All I Want for Christmas

As the election approaches, it appears that Mitt Romney will be our next president. If this happens, I have one item at the top of my Christmas List:

Eric Holder will be held accountable for his treasonous actions against the Constitution of the United States and the American people.

Of course, there is always the possibility that Santa will allow additional requests. Suggestions welcome.

David DeGerolamo

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12 years ago

Consider adding Hillary & Obama both for submitting the State of Arizona to the UN as human rights violators.

12 years ago

Replace the House and Senate members with people that care about the Constitution and BoR, and send the UN back to Brussels.

12 years ago

IF o’bama is not reelected it will be interesting to see who he pardons on his way out the door. I’m betting on the Fort Hood Muslim shooter and all of the detainees in Gitmo. If Holder is brought up on charges now o’bama will pardon him too.

12 years ago

I don’t want much but I would like to see BHO and the entire cabinet tried for treason, anyone who has served in the UN deported to Cuba, no not far enough, a soviet gulag and Michelle’s credit card replaced with food stamps, second thought, she can join them in the gulag, no taxpayer funded food stamps, she’s already spent enough of our money.

12 years ago

I would like to see the media given electric shock collars to wear during each broadcast, to be zapped everytime they repeated a lie.

12 years ago

For another wish I’d like to see voter fraud stopped. One of the major networks has already displayed durring a “Family Court” show that o’bama was ahead in the elections. I didn’t think the elections were until November. They got AACORN out of the way but there are other things under way. The corruption is in both parties. I’d like to see ALL parties have an equal chance not just the Republicrats and the Demorcans. How about public hangings for sex offenders too?