All One Big Happy Family: FBI, CIA and DHS

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tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago

90 Miles From Tyranny Watch the Zapruder film on the Kennedy assignation, one big happy family.

11 months ago

Some people simply need to be dead. This is an example of one.

General Buck Turgerson
General Buck Turgerson
11 months ago

Please note that this guy is a flaming homosexual degenerate. This is how they (the undercover reporters) are getting to these head-cases who are not in power in our government. No doubt our interviewer posed as a butt-buddy seeking degenerate-style companionship and hooked this loud mouth you see on camera. What’s the old method? --MICE (Money, Indiscretion, Ego, Corruption). Works every time as you well see here.
Looks like both Ego and Indiscretion are at play here. Note the hubris with this lame-brained fool--actually proud of his treachery and criminal behavior I’m slickened by people who say that there are ‘still good people in government.” This guy is not an exception nor an aberration. he represents the vast majority of the upper-elite ruling class. He was placed where he is now because of his like-minded connections and his sexual degenerate lifestyle. These are the people who are now lording over you. Get these fact though your heads.
This entire interview gives you a good glimpse of what President Trump was up against while in office--and is currently up against. There literally are thousands and thousand of individuals just like him at work 24/7 (when not buggering each other). plotting and scheming to destroy this country.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
General Buck Turgerson
General Buck Turgerson
11 months ago

Well I called it right--this fool was roped and suckered in though a homosexual-degenerate dating site… where all these government degenerates seem to hang out. And as for the typo above… “who are now in power”

11 months ago

This “guy” is: 1) A sodomite. 2) Black-mailable on many levels. 3) Serves and made an allegiance to and does the bidding for: the Pharisees, Saducees, Sanhedrin and their diabolical scribes (the main stream media). Thus, he is against Christ Jesus, who is The I AM that I AM, who is The Alpha and The Omega and who is The Redeemer- The Lamb and Son of Yahweh God, Christ Jesus is The Fulfillment of The Promise of the blood of The New Covenant, he is therefore, against Yahweh God, The One True Sovereign Creator God, and this “guy” is against Christians, Christianity-The Way!
Dear Most Holy of Holies Christ Jesus, please protect us from such wicked, foul, vile, repulsive, evil filth and sower and instigator of chaos, nefarious, under-handed, diabolical activities. Oh! Most Holy Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua, I ask and pray in Your Name, The Name Above All Names now, always and forever, throughout Eternity Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua Reigns Supreme!