ALL SIGNS point to Russia prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons to protect themselves

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5 days ago

We have a rogue administration, Military and bureaucracy and all these agencies have lost their collective minds and become delusional to the point of utter madness. The people in this country are going to face the wrath of God coming down on the entire country due to its perversions, filth, debaucheries, murder, theft, etc.; The people have allowed wicked and evil monsters to win elections by allowing and abetting theft for the last 50 years and now we are the point of no return. We have all these democrat commie Marxists running everything from public schools, Universities, Media, Corporations, Big Tech. and now the medical industry. They believe they are one big happy family heading into Nirvana, but not even understanding there father Satan has heading all of them to their death. I no longer pray for this nation, but I do pray for Gods elected saints who are in this country and for their divine guidance and protection from his Ministering angels. May God destroy all the wicked ones who have brought our nation to this point.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
5 days ago
Reply to  Phil1350

That about covers it!

One Pissed Marine
One Pissed Marine
3 days ago
Reply to  Phil1350

We were warned this was coming by former President Eisenhower in his departing “Military-Industrial Complex” speech combined with Psychopathic Zionist-Satanic
leaders and billionaires controlling and dominating control of the UN. WEF, DC, NATO and our current collapsing empire…we are and will be in WW3 and again the Banking Elite will make Trillions off our Dead Children, Husbands and Wives! Yes, I said Wives as our Congress and Senate have now included Women in the upcoming draft!

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 days ago

The problem now (as in today, presently, now) is 50 to 100 times way more worse than whatever President Eisenhower could have possibly imagined back in 1960. The entire country, congress, senate and MSM has been captured to propel this ongoing madness.

5 days ago

Just a few comments, overall the videos are pretty good.

300K troops ready to deploy, I’d like to see the numbers broken down. Aa an example the Brits can field about one division of trigger pullers around 10000 troops from the Army plus the 9 Royal Marine Commando companies. A pale comparison to what was available in the past. The Dutch for another example sold their entire tank corps a number of years ago. NATO is joke and I don’t think we (U.S) have the logistics to keep even a unit like the 101st supplied in the field.

The F-16s will have to have “contractor support” for flying and maintenance especially for the avionics. There is no way you could train competent technicians in the short time that has gone by, plus all the manuals are in English. On top of this the logistics tail will be huge as these are 30 plus year old MLU Block 15 F-16s.

S-500 Sams are vulnerable like any other air defense radar guided system to HARMS and equivalent weapons. I’m confident that the USAF has developed tactics to attack sites like these. After all we invented Wild Weasels

As far as “tactical nuclear weapons” All I’ll say is back in the day while I was in USAFE, we used to practice all the time with load out and dropping sims out on the range. I would hope this is still the case.

The Russians have been fighting like its 1944 all over again. Massed arty, tank probes and lots of causalities. I’ve yet to see a breakout with true combined arms maneuver warfare with aviation support in any of there battles were they follow up and maneuver through a breakout.

tom finley
tom finley
5 days ago
Reply to  billmil

Gobohomo usa is a paper tiger.

5 days ago

The Brits claim that they only have enough ammo for two weeks of conventional war. Then what? The Germans claim that they have less than a weeks worth of ammo for a conventional war. Then what? The US needs a big war to hide the currency collapse and financial collapse, including the default on the debt. The US will use nukes first. WW3 in three to four months or less, they said. Matt Bracken and the round table folks figure WW3 kicks off by the end of August. Got spam and water? For Russia this war means the survival of the Russian people and state. For the Globohomo Empire, it means they get to exist a little longer. Nukes are likely to fly early on in this thing. It also helps with the population reduction plan.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
5 days ago

“Russia is prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons to defend themselves?!” --this would be a bad thing? FYI--the USA and NATO would get their teeth kicked down their throats in the opening minutes of such a move by Russia. We are still operating on the premise that the USA and NATO are the ‘bad-boys’ they were back in the 80’s at the height of the cold war. Not so anymore Star Wars fans.

Any move by Russia in the use of tactical nuclear weapons would be precisely surgical to decapitate vital NATO command and control centers. Combine this with surgical strikes on our aircraft carriers with hypersonic weapons--both at sea and in port. I would guess that we would lose 75% of our carriers in the opening minutes of such a conflict--with strikes at sea an in our home ports.

Tactical nuclear weapons would also take out embarkation harbors for troops on the East and West coast in the first hour. If you think there would be a conventional build up of forces like you saw in the 1st Gulf War (six months long) you are completely delusional. The hits will be massively hard and devastating to our military now ordered about by cross-dressing fags, lesbians and kooky, politically correct generals and admirals.

And who is this European leader predicting WWIII within 3 months (or less) now--this guy has the inside line it seems. Anything to keep former President Trump from returning to office (the most powerful political office in the world BTW) and they will in fact burn down the village to remain in power--if only by emergency executive orders and proclamations--backed up by their newly arrived and minted illegals here by the literal millions.

5 days ago

Russia started this. They thought Ukraine would be a pushover and they would win easily. They didn’t. And it appears they can’t win. So now they want to up the ante even further. Someone in Moscow needs to whack Putin AND his associates behind this insanity. Yes…Ukraine is corrupt and involved with payoffs to demonrats etc. But that doesn’t mean Russia is the good guy here.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
5 days ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy

Huh--?! You’re kidding right. Russia started it--huh?! They can’t win? --huh? Want to up the ante? --are you delusional? People like you are the problem here in this country.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
4 days ago

Instead of hammering Thexrayboy, why not provide him with something to help get him on the right road? All of us are at different stages of being awake. All of us have categories where we may have more understanding than the next guy.
“We must hang together or we most assuredly will hang separately.” Benjamin Franklin

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 days ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

First thing…. Thexrayboy needs to stop listening to all those 3 and 4 Star retired military Mo-Mo’s who keep talking and yammering on the MSM. This is who he’s been listening to FYI. He actually seems to think they are credible and have insider information on this war--when in fact they are just paid spokes-Mo-Mo’s for the current regime. Susanne Summers would have been more believable as a spokes-person BTW. I think someone here should link Thexrayboy six months worth of Colonel McGregor’s interviews with Judge Napolitano to get his mind right. If that doesn’t work--then the man is unsalvageable.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
4 days ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy

All wars are banker wars. There are no good guys or bad guys. They are actors like we have in “professional” wresting. All are just competing for their spot at the future table of the temple moneychangers of today.
For more info, I suggest, you guessed it, “All Wars Are Banker Wars” by Michael Rivero.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 days ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

i agree, when we are looking at Nations it is hard to see “a good guy” in the picture.

4 days ago
Reply to  Thexrayboy

Russia did not start the war. The US overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine. Then the US ensured that the next three Presidents of Ukraine were our flunkies. Then the US and NATO built up the Ukrainian military, making it the largest military in Europe. Then we got Ukraine to bomb the Russian/Uke civilians in the Donbass, killing thousands of them. This was all pre-planned provocation to get Russia to move in and save the Russians living in Ukraine. The ultimate goal was to collapse Russia. It didn’t work. And now, we’re all going to pay the price.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 days ago

Mathew 24:22
And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened. … 
God is not going to use man nor mans nuclear weapon to shorten these days.imho. i believe He will intervene at some point to stop us from completely annihilating each other! He has a plan, a system that has been since the beginning of time. Nothing we do will effect His plan nor His system!

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
4 days ago

For all this is worth. Not good news…

Jack Lamberson
Jack Lamberson
3 days ago

this is stupid. russia starts a war and now they claim they need to use nukes to protect themselves. if you start wars you may get hurt what a load of crap.

3 days ago
Reply to  Jack Lamberson

The US and the Globohomo Empire started the war. 2014. US overthrows the democratically elected government of Ukraine. For democracy don’t you know.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 days ago
Reply to  Jack Lamberson

Another Sean Hannity swilling, conservative MSM listening, Senator But-Boy-Graham adoring delusional pseudo-conservative.