All We Have to Decide Is…

Whoever is alive when evil must be confronted has a choice to make. I propose that today is more evil than the times of our forefathers when they wrote the Declaration of Independence. They may have been living under tyranny but we are living under evil. This time, the stakes in the war against good vs. evil is absolute.

Why would I make that statement? Imagine the evil necessary to fund a bioweapon to unleash upon the world and use it as an excuse to make people take an mRNA therapy which would kill and incapacitate millions of people. At that same time, they used this as an excuse to make themselves rich and ruin the world’s economy.

Or consider the useless war in Ukraine that has killed over a million people to cover up the money laundering and bioweapon labs in that country by the United States. The Maidan color revolution is one of many examples of how cheaply evil views human life.

So we have been given the opportunity to restore the rule of law and by extension, our Republic. What will we decide to do with the time that is given to us? I may have more hope now than I have had since 2008 but hope is not a strategy. Until we enjoin the fight against evil in an offensive manner with actual physical consequences, we will not prevail.

Trump’s firing of all federal prosecutors appointed by Biden is one such an action:

Be vigilant, pray for discernment and ask for guidance to secure our children’s future.

David DeGerolamo

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1 month ago

The Scriptures state in the last days evil would abound everywhere because the abyss has been opened, and every unclean spirit and frog has been unleashed and have gone forth to the four corners of the earth to instill evil and wicked deeds in as many people Satan can poison with wicked sinning. We are living in this final age until all is fulfilled and then the end shall come, In the meantime we all need to stay faithful to Gods word until the end just as God has commanded us. If you think it’s bad now just hold onto your seat because as Satan times draws to an end it will be crazy wicked from all around the earth and from all nations, just as it was in Noah’s day.

Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
1 month ago
Reply to  phil1350

Thinking about Matt. 24:12 ‘Because iniquity (lawlessness) shall abound, the love of many will wax cold.’ That sure fits first. When all this lawlessness was allowed, without punishment, our enemies, foreign and domestic, have been emboldened to continue their lawlessness. Next, we have all become a little tainted and lacking in the love we should have for each other because of that. I submit that we should all not forget to do good deeds for our fellow man, being sure to balance that with urging punishment to fit the crimes being committed in our nation. We need to pray every day for Trump and his team to keep doing the good work and to keep being encouraged to continue rooting out so much evil. It is time to take back our country. Only God knows how much more time we will then have before the end of this age.

1 month ago

Samuel Adams opines that it doesn’t take a majority, only an irate tireless minority, to make change.
But isn’t that what got us to this point? For years, we’ve allowed a small but noisy minority of crazy leftists to dictate most public policy. Our governments at all levels, both here and abroad, have pandered and catered to the smallest minority of loud, pushy, relentless leftists, environmentalists, communists, warmongers, queers, etc etc.
WE aren’t merely “an irate tireless minority”; we are the majority.

1 month ago
Reply to  poppi

What is, what look like; not same.

Two travelers look alike. One turns left, one turns right. What turns for good, one turns for evil. Judge by actions, not appearances. It is the act which is good, or evil. It is the doer of the act which is good, or evil. Judge by the act. Judge the doer by the act.

Judge not by appearance. Do not discard both because they appear the same.

1 month ago

Can Trump fire Bidens Judges?

1 month ago
Reply to  Mikey

Can a current exec undo what had been done by a previous exec?

1 month ago

Please, please, please understand what you must do. You must face reality and do whatever you can do to get the GOP to run the Trump agenda. We have never had a more pro life President. (Think Eisenhower) I mean anti-war, pro human in the womb. The only way to carry on , is to demand that the GOP cram thru Trumps plan. They are crooked as many dems, but we can overcome this, by demanding that they listen to us, and vote budget cuts. Stop harping on the dems and leftists, they , are irrelevant. The republicans who hold the majority, must understand that we have one chance to win in the next 24 months. We must tell them that we will not forgive them if they don’t represent us.

1 month ago

I’m surprised it took him this long to fire them….