NC State Rep. Allison Dahle (D) has introduced two bills— one to repeal laws that protect minors from genital mutilation surgeries and another to repeal the NC Parents’ Bill of Rights.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 25, 2025
This is how desperate Democrats are to mutilate and groom your kids.
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- Guest100 on Allison Dahle
She got the crazy eyes, and looks like a fanatic. Good luck, y’all
That USED to be locked away for OUR safety. Now it is not only allowed to roam free, but folks actually cast votes in favor of it to be their “representative” in government.
They need to put her in a straight jacket, she is a complete an utter lunatic wicked person full of demons.
My opinion, (s)He looks just like what (s)he is.
That is not an actual picture. Is it?
It is the same photo on wikipedia
Bet the hospital lobby and medical schools are lobbying for this, along with big pharma
Well look what we have here, it’s The pink pedophile prevaricating pervert. I hear that’ll be a new addition to the cast of upcoming Marvel movies. Seriously though, could these demon spawn possibly get any more repulsive? What an absolutely disgusting visage.
Neck wrap to hide the Adams apple. Nothing is going to hide the Crazee, which is not limited to the eyes.
The crazy (and dangerous) is strong in this one.
The ones who voted for this abomination are crazier.
From just looking at her(?) you can tell she is crazy as all get-out, and shouldn’t be allowed to be around kids, especially alone! Wow. Gotta love the old lady nose ring. Blech! In her demented mind she probably thinks she is an attractive 19 year old girl, just having fun, and she wants at your kids to talk about sex and gender with them. Disgusting.