Almost 1,000 People Injured, Killed in Terrorist Attacks By Refugees

Germany Christmas market terror attack

Nearly 1,000 people were injured or killed in terrorist attacks involving refugees over a four-year span, with Germany facing the highest number of terror plots, according to a new Heritage Foundation report published Monday.

Data collected from the 194 terrorist plots detected across Europe between January 2014 and December 2017 point to a more than one-in-three chance that Germany will be the country targeted in future terror schemes, with civilians being the primary bullseye.

Though only 32, or 16 percent, of those terrorist plots involved refugees or asylum seekers, 41 percent of all plots occurred in Germany. France was the second most targeted country, with Belgium and the United Kingdom trailing closely behind.


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Comrade Obama
Comrade Obama
6 years ago

But diversity, cultural enrichment…….