America Has Become A Powder Keg That Is Ready To Explode At Any Time

Authored by Michael Snyder via,

Have you noticed that people are a lot more emotional these days? 

People are angry about the lockdowns, people are angry because others are not “properly” observing the social distancing rules, people are angry about losing their jobs, people are angry about the shortages in the stores, and more than anything else people are angry at our politicians. 

Even before COVID-19 came along, I was repeatedly warning my readers that anger was rising to a very dangerous level in this country, and now this pandemic has made things far worse.  If you doubt this, just log on to Facebook and read some of the “discussions” that people are having about this coronavirus.  Many of those “discussions” rapidly devolve into venom spewing contests, and sometimes this is still true even if people are theoretically on the same side.  There is so much anger and frustration out there right now, and it is only going to get worse the closer that we get to election day.

Thankfully, so far we don’t have the sort of widespread civil unrest that we are already seeing in other nations, but the stage is certainly being set for it.  The American people don’t like being forced to put their lives on hold, they don’t like all of the new rules that have been forced upon them because of this pandemic, and they are deeply frustrated with our politicians for being unable to instantly fix things.

Of course there aren’t going to be any easy answers.  The U.S. economy has already lost 33 million jobs, and millions more will be lost in the weeks ahead.  Meanwhile, more than 76,000 Americans have already died from the coronavirus, and the overall death toll in this country is likely to be in the hundreds of thousands.

In an environment such as this, people are going to have shorter fuses than usual, and it isn’t going to take much to get people to lash out in frustration.  One of the most prominent examples of this that we have witnessed lately occurred in Austin, Texas

Austin police have arrested a man who allegedly pushed a park ranger into a lake.

The incident occurred on Thursday at Commons Ford, a public park that is home to Lake Austin, and was captured on a video posted on social media. In the video, a park ranger is seen standing near the lake’s edge telling a crowd of people to stand six feet apart when a man pushes the ranger into the water and falls in himself.

I truly wish that we could all learn how to love one another, but instead I continue to see hatred rise all over America.

Needless to say, one of the big reasons why Americans hate one another these days is because of politics.  November is right around the corner, and we will likely see tremendous outbursts of anger and frustration both before and after the election.

Meanwhile, economic conditions will continue to deteriorate, and millions of Americans will become increasingly desperate.

Already, meat shortages are making headlines all over the nation

Farmers and ranchers have hogs, cattle and chicken that they feed, but can’t sell. Meatpacking plants don’t have enough workers as they get sick and have heightened anxiety. And grocery shoppers and restaurants can’t get their typical cuts or supply of meat.

Major grocers, including Kroger and Costco, added purchase limits this week for meat to prevent hoarding and help keep it in stock. Nearly a fifth of Wendy’s U.S. restaurants removed hamburgers and other beef products from their online menus, according to Stephens Inc. And another chain, Shake Shack, said rising beef prices have taken a bite into its profits.

Many Americans can deal with short-term shortages, but if these shortages stretch into the summer months a whole lot of people are going to become extremely frustrated.

Overall, I have never seen so much anger and frustration in the United States in my entire lifetime, and it is truly a recipe for disaster.

Unfortunately, I expect anger and frustration to continue to grow in the months ahead, and we could be building up to a very dangerous crescendo later in the year.


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a follower (working on it.)
a follower (working on it.)
4 years ago

As we look around what do we see?

“And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, said the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them.”
Jeremiah 9:3-8
And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD…
Isaiah 9:19-21
Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother…
A Judgment Against Judah
…4“I will make mere lads their leaders, and children will rule over them.” 5The people will oppress one another, man against man, neighbor against neighbor; the young will rise up against the old, and the base against the honorable. 6A man will seize his brother within his father’s house: “You have a cloak—you be our leader! Take charge of this heap of rubble.”…

11Since everything will be dissolved in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to conduct yourselves in holiness and godliness 1

Tough road? This is our course through tribulating times. (times of pressure)