America Has Been Flirting With Leftist Disaster – It’s Time To Stop Compromising

By Brandon Smith

The political left as a movement has proven to be made up of some of the worst people imaginable – The kind of people that thirst for destruction and take joy in the oppression of others. They might think they are reveling in a form of anarchy, but they are actually the opposite: They are chaos creators, but only as a means to gain total control.

However, while leftists make my skin crawl with their pungent scent of evil, there is one group of people that is even more annoying, and that’s the fence sitters and fake moderates.

Though these people will never admit it, there are times when social conflict arises and one side is completely right while the other side is completely wrong. Fake moderates pretend as if there are merits to the side that is wrong even when there are none because they want to appear as though they are “wise.” The truth is they don’t have the guts to take a stand one way or the other, and so they act as if neither side is correct, or that both sides are partially right.

Meaning, the side of destruction is given license to continue their pillaging because, hey, we don’t want to seem like we are discriminating or biased, right?

This is how societies and cultures are slowly but inevitably erased and the principles they hold dear are eroded to nothing. It’s mostly done through apathy and a sedate tolerance of corruption. Compromise is the hallmark of “democracy,” and it is also the root of tyranny. If people did not compromise on their principles and freedoms, tyranny could not exist. This why the Founding Fathers of the US opposed pure democracy and formed our nation as a Constitutional Republic with checks and balances. Democracy alone often demands acceptance of poisonous and oppressive behaviors we might otherwise stop, all in the name of appeasing the “majority.”

Discrimination, at times, can be a good thing. It is a biological imperative that contributes to tribalism and has allowed humanity to survive as a species for millennia. Without the ability to discriminate, all behaviors no matter how radioactive would proliferate, and this is what we are facing today in western societies.

When tribes were faced with narcissist members, psychopathic members, or outright schizophrenic and delusion members, those people were often cast out or ignored and for good reason. When the insane and the sociopathic are allowed to integrate into a culture they are also allowed to inject a certain level of moral insanity into that culture. Insanity is generally an inborn condition, but insane habits can also be learned, and if people think there are benefits and gains associated with acting insane, some of them will do so and the problem will grow.

The political left argues that all discriminating tendencies are a form of bigotry. Yet, they are some of the most bigoted people on the planet when it comes to opposing ideals and beliefs. We can see this attitude within their own policies and the people they seek to censor. They readily embrace full bore erasure of all ideas that contradict their beliefs and they do this because they know, given enough time, that this kind of censorship works.

They are trying to reverse the old tribal model – These days, anyone who is SANE must be converted or cast out of society.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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J Rich
J Rich
2 years ago

100% spot on!!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Then cast me out, I no longer belong with a good majority of these people. The malcontents and anarchists rule the day with the consent of the commie state. Any objection or dissent is seen as discrimination, Michael Savage talked about this more than a decade ago, it is 100 times worse today. A complete break is called for, we have no choice if we are to survive. I do not think it will be long before CW is kicked off, you can see they are losing patience with all the orchestrated mass shootings, bring it mofos, why wait

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago

Every successful revolution has a leader. We had the founding fathers, military men like Washington and Greene. We need one today, someone to unite us. God knows we have the weapons and ammo; we’ve been amassing arms since Obama’s inauguration. There are millions waiting to fight for real. We’ve stood up at the polls and voted, we’ve listened to speeches and promises. Enough of that BS. Send us a man who loves Jesus ready to fight like King David to restore one nation under God. One spark from someone we trust and you just might witness that largest standing army on earth go to war.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

The generals that can give the orders to seek out arrest those at the top of the pyramid of evil don’t want to risk their promised “consulting” jobs when the “retire.” Another favorite post retirement position is lobbyist.
In addition they don’t want to endanger their invitation to the next yacht party from their billionaire weapons manufacturers friends that feature bikini clad hostesses.

2 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

Dollar collapse will do it.

strider 777
2 years ago

Yes, “it is time to stop compromising.” Mr. Smith’s article summed it all up very nicely.
As for the creepy looking picture, isn’t that a group photo of Klaus Schwab’s latest graduating class of up and coming world leaders at The World Economic Forum held at Davos? Our worst nightmares are coming true right before our eyes. Yes indeed, it is time to stop compromising.

2 years ago

CW2 ….but there are no uniforms, we know much of the enemy hide behind a rainbow flag, but many more of them, legion in fact, hide behind the doors and lurk in the halls of some of our most hallowed buildings. Now is the moment to drag them out and embrace them with a garland of rope around their neck and send them to their just desert….hell.