America Is Being Eradicated

Paul Craig Roberts:

No sooner had I given up on the US Congress when Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green said  that “Ukraine is the new Iraq wrapped up with a pretty little NATO bow, with a nuclear present inside.”  She said that instead of sending weapons and billions of dollars to Ukraine, the US should pull out of NATO and avoid nuclear war by ceasing to provoke the Russians. 

“Grinding up Ukraine to fight with Russia is disgusting, Russia could have been an ally,” she tweeted. 

“Warmongers in Washington seeking war with Russia should suit up and go fight it” themselves, she suggested. “Send your kids and leave ours alone. Pay for it yourself.”

When an American hears such intelligent talk from inside the bought-and-paid-for-Congress, he has to cheer.  His spirits pick up.  He realizes that if there is one voice, there might be two, and that the possibility of America coming to its senses was not completely ruled out.

But reality crowds in.  The Republicans are almost as determined to get rid of Marjorie Green as the Democrats.  Independent thinkers who represent the American people instead of the powerful economic interests who fund the political campaigns and the neoconservative ideologues who rule Washington are a non-welcomed species in Washington.

Green has survived, so far, which shows a budding awareness of reality among the  American people.  The  American political system cannot tolerate people like Green and aware, sentient Americans, so the public’s interest remains under threat.

That this is a fact is obvious from the way the Republicans and Democrats are trying to frame the coming campaign over which party gets to be the whore for the ruling interests for the next presidential term. 

The Democrats are frantic and hysterical.  OMG! (Oh, My God) is their opening phrase, Roe vs Wade, the sacred ruling that let us kill babies in the womb, has been overturned!!!  

OMG, parents won’t let their kids be indoctrinated with critical race theory and Woke rules against gender pronouns! 

OMG! parents won’t even let public schools convince the kids to be transgendered!  

Read the Whole Article Here…

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Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

The topic so vitally important that no one talks about… term limits. ( Not the lady’s but everyone else’s).

Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  Aime Hart

FFS! The “people” are the term limits.

Codify term limits into law, and all you have is the people electing idiots more often with fresh faces of idiots.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

Elder Son, looking at Mad Maxine and Drunken Nancy that the idiots are quite good at reelecting the same old failures back into office as long as the gravy keeps flowing.

Term limits, a limiting factor as well as yearly reviews of performance with termination built in.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The uniparty is just part of the commie state, as is every bureaucrat and agency in this illegal regime. They want us dead and gone, it is so obvious, you wonder why a good majority of people cannot see this. How can you still send your children to be murdered and indoctrinated by these lgbtq jack booted goons? What about the Jan 6th political prisoners? I believe the commie bubble is about to pop, they are impressing their will upon us 24/7. Something has to give, and I think it will come courtesy of CW2.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The Bubble will not burst in the US for another 3-5 months. Did you see the “great deception” this past 4th weekend? Every Grocery store including Big Box were packed with products. This was done to dispell the myth that there were shortages to spouses that were on vacation. You know…”Hey Honey you’re full of crap there’s plenty of food…the store shelves were packed, the prices were up but there was food…things will get back to normal soon”. Gas prices have come down in our area as well…last week $5.12 now $4.49. The pain isn’t enough to warrant rebellion…not yet.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

Have we had one honest report on how people are dealing with inflation and gas prices? It is worse than we imagined, 30+ inflation rate, probable getting close to 50%, they have shut down energy producers, the temporary pressure release of lower gas prices will not work for them. The pace is quickening, and they have lost control, next is martial law, with new lockdowns, just in time for the vote fraud. It is a runaway train at this time, and they cannot stop what is coming, you say 3 to 5 months, well it is anybody’s guess now, but CW2 is coming.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

My position requires constant feedback in forecasting and trends in the auto plastics and metals markets. I don’t use Media or Govt for my economic & trends analysis as we can all agree its BS…mostly “boots on the ground” and real input from machining and manufacturing purchasing, engineering and CEO’s etc. At $5-7.50 gasoline the average American Family will pay an additional $4,500-5,000 annually, the resulting inflation will add an additional $4,500-7,500 in food prices or less than what a family pays in fast food and restaurants annually. A typical American family of 4 spends $8-12,000 on restaurants and fast food annually which is where they get 42% of their weekly protein. As you’re seeing Fast Food and small eateries are suffering as people spend less on eating out and more on groceries. So the public has adjusted its habits. I mention the above as it does not warrant a reactive element from the populace, not yet. Sachs and JP Morgan were evaluating $300 oil and once this happens you’ll see $14-20 dollar gas…my target of $8.50 for public reaction will pail in comparison to this. Combine this with Food Shortages in August or September…NOW YOU HAVE AN UPRISING!

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

I have been out of the workplace since 2017, seems you have up close and real information. I cannot watch any of propaganda press, thanks for the info.

Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

CW2 is not coming in the traditional sense that you may believe.

CW2 will be a salad bowl clusterpuck of many competing interests.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

You may be right, a lot of pissed off people, no telling how it will go.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

Yep, Elder Son and unlike the first civil war nobody has uniforms to ID friend from Foe.

That and Socialist-Democrats use of false flags and “See something, Say something” betrayals not seen in CW1.

What did Jesus say about bringing a sword dividing families Matthew 10:34
33But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven. 34Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

Going to ugly as Bosnian Ethnic Cleansing ugly.

Praying for wisdom

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

if you are watching, somethings are increasing in price by 100%, that is a staggering rate.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

Yes, they are Kal, they can only play this out so long.

2 years ago
Reply to  OPM

if one could look at it closely, how much “fronting” was there at my Safeway the shelf for tuna looked fully stocked, but when I bent down and looked it was stacked one deep. Same with some of the veggies, things are short in some places and thick in other, but when they catchup with each other, then things will go boom.

2 years ago

Two parties…. a single enemy!

2 years ago

PCR and MTG are probably should be on the ticket for the Liberty Party 2024. I have followed PCR for 30 + years and almost never disagree. As for MTG, she is what every woman should aspire to be.
They speak the truth and are unashamed.
Look at history, how many times have the neocons and rotten crooked whores of the MIC and Big Pharma think that we will sacrifice our children and our money for them to have more power and wealth.
They tried to take out the Shah of Iran, and we got Khomeni, They tried to take out Saddam , just 20 years after Rumsfeld installed him in 1978. That did not work well. Now they think they can do regime change on Putin at our expense again. Wake up. Who is gonna fight their wars? The trans military? We are not going to vote our way out of this, it is rotten.