At the risk of gazing too long into the Palantir, here’s a potential scenario described from the viewpoint of Leviathan:
An area is marked for action to be taken. Too many bitter clingers in the citadel. Too many George Zimmermen and not enough thugs in training wearing hoodies who look like Obama’s imaginary son. Too many Christians. Too many “Republicans.” Too many raw milk drinkers. Whatever. The action might proceed as follows:
(Note: Friendlies means Government forces)
- Observation: In an area suspected to be largely hostile to the regime, many drones are launched to cover an area.
- Agitation: At the same time, some type of action is staged so as to agitate potential resistors into revealing themselves.
- Collection: Intel collection. With potential resistors drawn out, they can be marked and identified. Vehicles, tag numbers, home locations, associations, etc.
- Deception: The vital friendly assets are ordered to fall back to a safe distance away from the agitated area. This is done for more than one reason and provides more than one benefit. For one thing, the unfriendlies in a particular area are now localized and contained within a certain radius and are now gain false confidence. After all, they made the unfriendlies withdraw, right?
For another, you protect your friendlies (this includes people and assets) from what is coming, regroup and reorganize. Not all friendlies are withdrawn though. Some are left inside the circle to suffer and perhaps be attacked later. Perhaps by infiltrators in “bitter clinger” colors so as to create the very crisis you’re looking not to waste.
Finally, your own forces can begin setting up the perimeter and looking not just inward, but outward. - Disconnection: With the vital assets out of the way, an EMP drone then comes through to sanitize this area of all electronics and electricity. Most of the communications gadgets such as GPS, radios, computers, and cellphones will be dead. Most everyone left inside the “blast radius” of the EMP drone’s drive by will be disoriented. This disorientation and disconnection from communication means that those inside won’t be able to find out much of what’s going on.
h/t Matt Bracken