America Paying Salaries of Afghan Cops That Don’t Exist

Afghan police officers

The United States continues to pay more than $300 million annually to the Afghan National Police (ANP), and some of that money is going to officers who do not actually exist, according to government officials who warn that fraud and a lack of oversight are causing U.S. taxpayer dollars to be wasted on the force.

The United States continues to pay the salaries of ANP officers despite a lack of supervision over the funds and the fact that fraud is rampant among the force, according to a new report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR).

A U.S. government official familiar with the issue further confirmed to the Washington Free Beaconthat American tax dollars are in fact being paid to Afghan police officers who do not actually exist.

The ongoing payments have led SIGAR to warn that “despite 13 years and several billions of dollars in salary assistance to the Afghan government for the ANP, there is still no assurance that personnel and payroll data are accurate,” according to its audit.



But the war in Afghanistan is over.

David DeGerolamo

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10 years ago

Tell me what idiot thought of this bright idea———Oh wait don’t tell me it is the one in the WH.

10 years ago

Yea, right. We can pay for nonexistent Afghan cops but we can’t pay to treat our own service men who were maimed in the fighting there, and in Iraq, and in Vietnam, and in all the smaller ‘police actions’ we’ve found it necessary to pursue. I’ve said before and I’ll say again, America is ruled by traitors and the only solution is lengths of hemp rope and and oak trees. Maybe that’s why the bastards made growing hemp illegal! If we hang a few, maybe the rest would have a ‘come to Jesus’ moment and clean up their acts.


[…] America Paying Salaries of Afghan Cops That Don’t Exist […]