America The Divided: Everyone Knows We Have Problems But There Is Very Little Agreement On Solutions

Argument - Public Domain

America is divided. On purpose. This was easy to do to a people who believe in personal Liberty. While there is little agreement on solutions, that premise itself is a problem. We need the same spirit as existed in 1775 but not in 1774. The missing piece is the concept of public virtue. With faith, all things are possible and the clarity with which to move ahead will be shown. Or in most cases, the Sacred honor necessary to restore our stolen Liberty will be rekindled.

David DeGerolamo


by Michael Snyder

In fact, a newly released Rasmussen Reports national survey discovered that 67 percent of voters believe that America is even more divided now than it was four years ago.  We are angry, we are frustrated and we love to fight with one another, but none of this strife and discord is getting us anywhere.  What most Americans can agree on is that we are facing tremendous problems as a nation.  One average of recent polls found that only 26 percent of Americans believe that this country is heading in the right direction and 63.8 percent of Americans believe that this country is heading in the wrong direction.  Unfortunately, there is very little agreement on what the solutions to our problems are.  That is where the division is.  As a nation, we no longer have a shared set of values or principles that provides a foundation for our decisions.  Everyone just kind of does whatever is right in their own eyes, and the result is chaos.  At a minimum, the U.S. Constitution was supposed to bond all of us together, but it has become clear that very few of our lawless politicians have any respect for that document at this point.  And the American people must not have too much respect left for the Constitution either, because they keep sending the very same politicians back to Washington over and over again.  Unless a miracle happens, everyone is going to keep pulling in different directions, and that is going to continue ripping our country to shreds.

The issues that divide us are countless.  The following are just a few examples…


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