American Churches Are Eerily Silent When The Country Needs Them Most

By Brandon Smith

I had a relatively marginal Christian upbringing as a child and really didn’t become interested in questions of a metaphysical nature until later in life. My relationship to organized religion has always been to meet it with skepticism. I appreciate the fundamental moral messages and the aspirations to care for your fellow man, but I often wonder if a theocratic system would just end up becoming another form of tyranny. There are so many elements of organized religion that can be exploited by evil people who want to use it for their own ends. Collectivism is collectivism, is it not?

I don’t think I became truly immersed in the concept of a creatively engineered universe until I started studying quantum physics and Jungian psychology – Then I realized, there was FAR too much synchronicity in the world, far too much evidence that there is some kind of design, some kind of plan to life. I might not understand what the plan is, but I can see the mathematical and psychological fingerprints of what one might call “God.”

It’s the reason I could never take atheism seriously. The claim of atheism has long been that the philosophy has nothing to do with faith and everything to do with evidence. Yet, every time I see an atheist confronted with evidence of creative design, they dismiss it blindly. This kind of ignorance has always been more horrifying to me that anything else – The notion of “scientific cultism” and tyranny hiding behind false claims of logic and rationalism.

I’m explaining my position on this issue to drive home the fact that I do not hold any affiliation to any particular church or religious group. I will defend Christianity when I feel it deserves to be defended, and I will criticize Christianity when I feel certain groups or church leaders have gone astray.  For example, anyone who reads my work knows I have outlined evidence that the Pope is an utter fraud and a globalist puppet.  There are wolves in sheep’s clothing within every belief system.

So, when I say I hear a deafening silence among Christian churches when it comes to the political and social climate today, this is coming from someone who is NOT quick to call for theocratic intervention. Even I find the lack of faith…disturbing.


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1 year ago

Documentary: “Cages”
Churches are guilty of so much more than silence…

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago

Micah 3:11
“The heads thereof judge for a bribe, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money, yet will they lean upon the Lord and say, is the Lord among us? No evil shall come upon us.”
God had Micah, a genuine man of God record what was going on. The religious heirarchy was contaminated, lovers of $$$. It was not a passion to teach God’s people, it was a path to riches and social standing.
LBJ was the big pusher of the 501c3 status for churches. He wanted to be sure the pulpits weren’t criticizing the Vietnam war with the body bags being shown on TV. Not towing the gubmint line endangered their paychecks and/or pension. It also opened doors to rub shoulders with politicians, celebrities etc.
Never was the effect of 501c3 tax exempt status so clear than with Covid. All professing Christian denominational leaders had their people follow the protocols. When it came to the jab, some even said if Jesus were alive, he’d get it too. It was the evangelical leader’s turn to say, “isn’t the Lord among us? No evil shall come upon us.”

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Women in the pulpit is a sin. Gay preachers, homosexuals, etc. are a transgression against the church, and a main reason Christianity has gone silent. Our leaders are no longer leading.

1 year ago

Walk away from government controlled churches.

1 year ago

Amos8:11-Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:”

1 year ago

Just like Academia, the Media, Big Tech and Hollyweed the religious structure of America was targeted for infiltration, subornation and subversion by the commie left and their accomplices…the queers and pedophiles. We are now seeing the result of that decades long war to conquer America from within.

1 year ago

this is just outright pure evil and satan worship, God has given up these churches to a debased mind set and they are going to get what they deserve. It’s a frightful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God who detests what these satanists are doing in the churches.

1 year ago

One of the first words out of the mouth of Jesus when his disciples asked when will be the sign of your coming. The lord said take heed no man deceive you.