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- X-BEAST on What Happens When There Is a Failure to Deliver?
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- Martha on Simple Truths
- tom finley on The Restoration of the Republic
All true. But it has been going on a longtime. The goal of the globalists is to destroy the United States, specifically focused on the middle class. If Americans do not wake up it will all de destroyed soon!
The goal of the globalists is to make everyone a compliant slave. End critical thinking but educate people only enough to do their bidding. End self reliance. Keep everyone on the plantation. Mommy & daddy big government will give you everything you need and “keep you safe”.
Unfortunately there is only one way to stop it. Hint: it’s not prayer or voting.
You’re right about that! I hate to get anyone upset, but we are not praying our way out of this… I know it can’t hurt, but it will hurt if that is all you do.
Erratic Shortages have been the ‘normal’ since the coronascam started more than a Year ago. Like Ammunition, I rather Doubt that this indicates anything more than Demand outstripping Supply, meaning Panic Buyers and Hoarders (the Unprepared) are Active.
As for “Inflation”, it is a Design Function of “Fiat Paper Money”, and the Printing of Trillions of “dollars” (at owed interest to jew-ish banks) has just Acellerated the Process of Destroying the ‘currency’ for the benefit of the (((tribe))).
While Stocking Up on things you use and need, it is even More Important to establish “Trading Partners” in your AO, so that when the ACTUAL Collapse of the .gov and (((banks))) happens, you can continue to Live, without having to Get on the Train to the Work Camps.
Like I’ve always said, It’s not “SHTF” as long as the Lights are On and there is Food wrapped in Plastic at the Grocery Store. Now let me go grab a Beer out of the Fridge, and some Carrots for My Horse….
A mediocre rant of little value, not worth the time it took to watch.
Americans do NOT realize what is upon us. There is likely to be famine along with other shortages. If the goal of globalism is to level the life style and quality of life America is in for the shock of its life.
Seeing all these people complaining about big Corp taking over and than have a link selling stuff on Amazon… truly annoys me! This is the new America and Jeff Bezos is getting rid of any little shop in his way!
I know..I know… “too inconvenient to cancel Amazon”
This is why we will keep losing…laziness and greed!