Americans Don’t want to fight for their country Anymore…NO KIDDING…Can’t blame them.

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1 year ago

I think this meme says it all!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  X-BEAST

100% right.

1 year ago

Yes, I do blame them, I could give up, but read below-shake yourself and RISE to the challenge!“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”― Winston S. Churchill

1 year ago
Reply to  Jolie1

I tire of the laziness, arrogance and entitlement I have seen and experienced with Americans the last 20 years. BTW, I’m a widow with NO living relatives-there is no one to assist me-NO ONE.

1 year ago

Our own President has said that white men are the biggest threat to America. The entire media has spent the last 5+ years demonizing white men. We have been put behind every freak, tranny gay etc and they expect us to join? They have discouraged generations from ever serving. Are they really that blind?

Ron Parks
Ron Parks
1 year ago

You have a point. However, it goes deeper than that. We have managed to raise an egocentric generation that will live for nothing and die for nothing. They value nothing because it costs them little or nothing. Ancient Israel had the same issue. As soon as things got good, they produced a generation that didn’t value anything but their own selfish desires. Sound familiar?

1 year ago

Fighting and dying for our freedom here in the U.S. is one thing but to go to some country where everyone hates us and expect us to fight and die there for what? The bankers and others who will only get richer? Not happening again. Send in the woke LGTBQ.

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
1 year ago
Reply to  Ray

Exactly. While posts upthread citing the laziness and unwillingness to sacrifice of so many Americans are largely valid, a distinction needs to be made on what exactly the definition of “serving our country” actually means at this juncture.
First, we don’t really have a country anymore, such as it is. We have an economic zone populated with a multitude of disparate ethnic groups that don’t care for each other, and are working against each others interests, all forcibly held together by a govt that is nothing more than an organized crime syndicate relying on threats and violence. Trying to find unity on which “we” can serve “our country” is a fools errand.
Second, the only interest I’m willing to serve is one that benefits me and mine, and like minded folks who share my values and outlook on how society should be ordered. And honestly, those who share my objectives are clearly in the minority. Most people are also no where near the point of being willing to make the sort of sacrifices that will become necessary in the not too distant future. I’m not sure I am for that. matter, but at least I know it’s coming.
Those who insist we must sacrifice blood and treasure in far off locales like Ukraine, or Israel (which despite laughable assertions of the latter being our greatest ally, is a decidedly one way, parasitic relationship entirely in their favor, and to our detriment) for nothing more than the political desires (and profits) of the ruling class can kick rocks.
No way am I willing to contribute to those efforts, they are bottomless pits for wasting money, lives, plus committing (and then attempting to cover up) humanitarian atrocities that I will not be a party to.
The only battles we need to be fighting are right here, and perhaps eventually in the centers of globalism like London and Brussels, where the landscape should be cleared entirely of the arrogant, self important scum of the earth who seek to enslave us all, and kill off the rest who will not get on board with their perverse vision of the future. WEF, WHO, the whole slate of them and everyone who “works” for/with them need to be cleared off the board for the benefit of humanity.
Meanwhile, the rest of the dysfunctional world needs to suck it up and find a way to solve their own problems, instead of appealing to us to do their dirty work. If their solutions end up being unpalatable to “American” sensibilities (read: busy body elitists who seek to impose their will the world over) then that’s just tough. Geopolitical reality is unpleasant and ugly, and lots of people are going to die. They are right now as in type this. Deal with it.
We no longer have the wealth, hardware, or will to keep taking on these ceaseless interventions and boondoggles. We will be beyond lucky if the needed resources can be raised right here at home to do what needs doing, and that is by no means an accomplished fact.
Presently, we are in a holding pattern, just waiting to see if something -- anything -- can and will be done to challenge the illegitimate scum system that has coalesced in the halls of power.
I have little hope for the future as it is. But I damn sure won’t spend finite time, effort or other resources worrying about far flung places and people who need to get their own stuff together, when we have nearly insurmountable problems brewing right here, and not a single one is being addressed in even the most superficial and tentative of ways.
We are being told by way of example that the sovereignty of our nation is completely unimportant (the border and the invasion in progress) and that our economic ruin doesn’t matter either, since we are 33 trillion in debt and counting, and the profligacy has not only failed to stop, but has continued to increase at an alarming rate. And yet I’m to be concerned with an ideological pissing match between Israel and the Palestinians? I think not.

1 year ago

There are values and ideas worth fighting for, but this nation no longer stands for any of them anymore. This nation needs to be dissolved so that the very small group that REALLY supports freedom and liberty can find a safe harbor, so the multitudes that obviously support tyranny, big government, etc can find their own space, etc. To pretend that this can continue to be forcibly held together will just result in endless bloodshed. I would happily fight for freedom, but those who ACTUALLY control this country don’t want that for us. That folks continue to willingly sign up to fight for these tyrants is just perpetuating the problem.