Americans Won’t Rise Up And Fight Govt Tyranny

I am listening to hour 2 right now and the mortician from the UK, John O’Looney, speaking.  I disagree as far as people rising up and creating civil unrest once the people ‘wake-up’ to the covid shot population reduction program…and how they and their loved ones have actually been murdered by the shots.Look how New Yorkers failed to fight back when they were hit right in their own front yard on 9/11. What did they do?  It was so obviously an Op that every firefighter and building professional…and anyone with an elementary school education…should have known that two 110 story steel-framed concrete skyscrapers could not fall like they did.  ‘Office fires’ fueled by furnishings and jet fuel cannot turn buildings into dust and drop them in perfect symmetry at nearly free-fall speed.  New Yorkers did nothing but dutifully wave the flag and call each other ‘heroes.’

Look at Vietnam era parents of troops killed and maimed in Iraq over the in-your-face WMDs lie.  What did they do when it was clear to everyone that the government had lied about those WMD’s?  Virtually nothing.  They just waved the flag and called their maimed and killed kids ‘heroes.’

Look how the people residing in the Greater Boston area failed to say ‘NO’ and fight back against the military lockdown and occupation following the ridiculous Boston Marathon false-flag attack of April 2013. What did they do?  They thanked the troops pointing guns at them and their children and commandeering their homes.  Later, they  even had parades celebrating themselves as ‘Boston Strong’.  That was 10 years ago.  The Communists learned much from that charade.

What are Americans doing about the relentless programs to gender-confuse and neuter boys and men in this country?  Whether it be by pharma chemicals, schools, the MSM, social media conditioning or psychological mind manipulation, the masses do nothing.   And God knows what chemicals and poisons have been put into the food and water supply which have only further neutralized the male population of the US and most other Western countries.

Note carefully, how nearly this entire country rolled over to the tyrannical Covid lockdowns and the essentially forced injections of the Pentagon-owned and created bioweapon genocidal ‘vaccines’… because the government and MSM told them to.   All, I can say, Jeff, is that we are way too far gone and long past having any kind of resistance or fightback left.   The simple fact is the American people have been taught for decades to bend over and take it…and then wave the flag, shouting ‘U-S-A’.  They actually thank the psychopaths and pricks who have raped and pillaged them for decades.

There is not going to be any kind of patriot uprising … no matter how many guns and how much ammo the patriots have.  And when one or two bravely step onto the empty battlefield, and start taking heat, they will be left out there all alone.


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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

The populace has mass formation Helsinki Syndrome. This took decades to accomplish, at the hands of the cia, Hollywood, and the industrial media complex.
Very few of us have or can break the programming.

*spelling edit

1 year ago

People won’t fight as long as they have food beer and entertainment.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike


1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

Historically, that is the fact that when people have no food, they will get up and put up a good fight.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

All of the major commercial beers are laced with fluoride or made with fluoridated water. Goal? Keep white guys on the couch, stupid and docile.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matt

Khazars number one mission-to have each others’ backs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hound

Considering theyre all sick mf pedophiles like schwab and gates that makes sense…do you suppose they give each other a reach around? As an evil effer courtesy of course? I really hate these bastards!

1 year ago

Dietrich Bonhoffer -- one man, doing his moral duty.
we only need a few to make a difference.

1 year ago
Reply to  anon2

America will fight! You’ll see.

1 year ago

Too much effective government education and TV programming!
The cities are hopeless, until they get very hungry.

1 year ago

In other news, water is wet.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago

One of the problems is that when a courageous man like John O’Looney speaks, who is the audience? It’s folks that are already awake to some degree. We’re just accumulating knowledge regarding the masters of mayhem.
Nothing wrong with continuing to learn. However, to turn the tide, we must reach out to the kindergarteners, so to speak. I just had a letter to the editor of a local newspaper published. It dealt with school shootings of which 90 to 95% occur in this country.
To make an impact, you must develop the art of challenging people’s thinking while avoiding censorship which results in the article never getting published. If anyone would be interested in going that route,

1 year ago

No. Americans won’t rise up. Not any more than they did fighting for their independence. Only 3%, right? Only 3 percent of the colonists took up arms to fight for the freedom they had achieved. Would 3% be enough today? I think so. The uprising needed today won’t look like yesterday’s. Arms of freedom or tools of war, have there place, I believe to defend. The uprising the US homeland needs is not one of war or violence but one of opinion, mindset, knowledge, understanding of the facts of current reality. The TRUTh concerning state of the union. Who would you attack? Who is the enemy? I would wager a significant number of the general public, a “majority” of them, have no comprehensive, logical, knowledgeable, understanding of what is happening to thus country and would have no clue who the enemy is. There will be no uprising because they have no idea who to hold responcible. Oh yes an uprising is what they want. Don’t be decieved, war will not win this battle. Firing all the criminals that are entrenched in our institution is a good goal.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

I wondered if anyone would point that out:)))))))))))))) There are young people who are waking up to the reality of their future… and they are not happy. All they, or anyone, needs is direction and a skill set.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

In previous conflicts we could easily identify the enemy by their uniform color Red or Gray…what defines our enemy today? Bankers and Politicians wearing suits? Antifa looking Gothic? Im hoping when the Chinese and Cartels go live they’ll be wearing uniforms. We’re a nation divided but what visibly identifies our enemies?

1 year ago

NCFIRE verifies the illegal alien status of each individual we post in our Monthly Child Rape reports through the arresting agency of each individual.

Pursuant to the state open records law, North Carolina General Statutes; Public Records § 132-1, Criminal investigations, § 132-1.4,
and Access to Records, § 132-9, allow for NCFIRE to obtain and post the arrest records of any and all individuals arrested in North Carolina.

Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Please see lists month by month of illegals raping NC children.

1 year ago

Is this what you want in NC? See Portland Biden citizens in action
End of video is violent. 32 min. Wake the hell up already.

Chuck Lillie
Chuck Lillie
1 year ago

totally agree with your statements. I don’t know why Americans are so complacent. But ponder this if FBI\DOJ agents come to your home to confiscate your weapons are you just going to give in? What about the invasion coming thru Texas tomorrow, if these scum bags show up in your neighborhood what will you do? I won’t be sitting around. So I hope the US falls I won’t be any part of the so called NWO.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

The last paragraph says it plainly. “Why any American want to stand alone on the battlefield?”

1 year ago

True, Americans have not risen to open rebellion, at least not just yet. But, I do believe that time may be coming sooner than any of us think. The events of January 6, 2020, were but an opening skirmish and a harbinger of much worse things to come.
The following is an on topic MUST READ by author Jim Quinn:

1 year ago

How to start…I told dthose at the prayer meeting a few weeks ago that according to my prayer/study, this country has been under God’s judgment for many years now. I’ll explain but this may run long; sorry.
What we are experiencing is what the Apostle Paul wrote of in Romans 1:18-32.
This country was founded on Biblical principles/the Gospel. The morality of the people is what led to it’s prosperity. Since the late 1950’s this country has turned its back on God.We’ve pushed Him out of our schools, our courthouses, out of our businesses, and out of our public square. Since then, divorce has been normalized (“I hate divorce,” says the Lord God of Israel-Mal2:16), abortion was condoned and legalized, and homosexuality has been normalized; even homosexual marriage; (Obergefell).
“Therefore, God gave them over”. That is the first part of judgment, and we experience it every day.
The next phase of judgement is when God raises up an invading nation to discipline those whowere once His people but who have gone astray (see, Book of Judges; Israel’s history with the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans), as we now face from our southern border.
Pray. Without ceasing.

1 year ago
Reply to  scarecrow

Pray. Without ceasing.” Your advice is most excellent. I pray and read the bible every day. That is how I find the strength to go on.
God bless you, dear friend.

1 year ago

Fight for what, exactly? The world’s leading exporter of death and destruction? A country that has turned its back on God, and instead allows almost every possible kind of repugnant, reprobate behaviour to go on? A country that engages in child sacrifice through abortion, sexualization, and surgical mutilation? A nation whose people pursue celebrity, pleasure, easy wealth, convenience, and vice over modesty, self reliance, duty, self restraint, charity, faith, and industry? A nation whose duplicitous ruling elite ignore their sworn duty to the Constitution and instead enrich themselves through their avarice all while seeking to divide and distract the People? How about a nation that destroys its sacred history? Fight for that, yes? Surely a nation that has erased its borders and ceded their control to drug cartels who flood our street mayhem by trafficking illegal alien and drugs is worth the sacrifice. Right? Our once beautiful and now rotten cities?
‘Murica is done. Accept it. We can’t go back to what it was and what it is now is, frankly, hideous. We are too divided; we have no national cohesiveness. That is why there has been no desire to fight. I think eventually the fight will not be for country but for region as America breaks into pieces.
PS -- I’m retired military. When I was young I was captivated by George Washington and I promised myself that I, too, would keep faith with the Cause. It was my deepest desire and solemn pride to serve my country and I was ready to sacrifice everything in Her defense. I say this with a heavy heart.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jay

God bless you, sir.

Take A Hard Look
Take A Hard Look
1 year ago
Reply to  Jay

Jay is much closer to the truth than many. The America of my earlier years is gone, never to be reincarnated. Michael Savage has stated that a Nation, to BE a Nation, must have three characteristics at minimum: a common language, shared values (common culture) and defined borders.
Look around; we are zero for three.
So, do we ‘fight’ for the FUSA? We are no longer “an emerging Third-World Nation’ but, rather, We. Have. Arrived. We ARE a Third-World Nation, just wealthier than the rest.
Don’t believe me? Visit any airport, bus or train terminal, drive through any major city. See anything worth fighting for?
I have, for decades now, believed that a “Balkanization” of America is the only reasonable path forward. This, because the divisions in this country (by political ideology and race, to name two) are now insurmountable. Have you heard any “great debates” over America’s problems? No, there is only polarization. No debates--only denouncement.
At first I thought that Balkanization would likely occur state by state; now, I believe that it should occur county by county, because the highest ‘law & order’ authority is the county sheriff. Find a conservative, core value sheriff and that may be the center that could unify a region.
“Identity Dixie” ran an article awhile ago wherein was espoused the notion that we should exchange our American flags for our State flags, because the notion of a coherent Nation is weak; a state or region is more recognizable, more defendable, more survivable.
Want a preview of Balkanization? Sarajevo (on a large scale) or “Indian Country” (novel by Kurt Schlichter).
America [the one we knew]: RIP November 05, 2019.

1 year ago

“”There is not going to be any kind of patriot uprising … no matter how many guns and how much ammo the patriots have. And when one or two bravely step onto the empty battlefield, and start taking heat, they will be left out there all alone.”””


The Pacification of Mass’s…Is Complete.
The little fires…. will be Easily Controled.

1 year ago

Don’t forget. These mind controlled/programmed individuals are dying in droves. In 2-3 short years there are going to be a lot fewer of them… Our obits are two pages now. The great culling of the sheeple is NOW. Anyone who doesn’t lose the wi-fi and detox every day is dead in the near term.
Watch “Died Suddenly” on and remember that these strings are showing up in UN-injected people too. Know that the 5G range can cause these strings to grow from nano size to centimeters in MINUTES…
Embrace hermit life, be strategic in your daily exposure to the general public and DETOX metals and hydrogel out of your body…

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

How would you recommend detoxing metals and hydrogels out of the body?

1 year ago

the only hope one may hold is that in a spontaneous moment, a million “lone wolves” will decide to take action at the same moment. No leader, no army. No group plan, no infiltration, no feds. Your role, small act to harass the system. Be creative.


[…] read part of the article posted by Wes late last night: Americans Won’t Rise Up And Fight Govt Tyranny. I found the premise offensive as its purpose was to demoralize and present a hopeless picture of […]

Tommy Newton
Tommy Newton
1 year ago

Die alone? If what you do is for God, your family and friends you die in Christ. No one dies alone.