
This is the first of a series of columns on the Ebola epidemic by radio talk-show host Michael Savage, who has a Ph.D. in epidemiology.

The madness of Ebola is only matched by the madness of America.

Let’s start with common sense. If a member of your family has the viral illness known as the common cold, what do you normally do? Well, you try to avoid contact with that person. Certainly, you want to avoid them sneezing on you or the droplets from their cough spreading anywhere in the house.

You both isolate and avoid an infected patient. Well, Ebola is a viral illness. Common sense would dictate you isolate and avoid contact with patients, because in this case the disease is often fatal.

And yet, the morons who are running America are bringing infected patients to America, allegedly to treat them, but we all know it is an untreatable disease. It can only be managed. The entire story of bringing these Ebola patients from West Africa to America stinks to high Heaven. There is much more involved.

But let us look at what Ebola is. Ebola is one of several viral hemorrhagic fevers. In the field of epidemiology, it is known as a non-vector-borne infectious disease. That means it is not transmitted by an insect or other vector. Other similar non-vector-borne infectious diseases you may have heard of would include:


h/t frLarousse2

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