An Alert from Steve Quayle

Hello Brother Steve;

I’m now teaching at the University of, (Redacted)
I teach Graduate Level Math Classes with lots of Chinese Students.

Since Monday, most have been recalled home.

I believe most are CCP Regular Army Reserve, not Chinese National Guard.

Chinese National Guard are the White Suited guys with machineguns.

More than 2 dozen Chinese students left yesterday and today, with 4 weeks left in this semester.
It’s hard to get a Graduate Student to Leave before the end of the semester.
Most foreign students maintain intense studies at this point in the semester.
There are very few Withdraws or “new” incomplete attendance among students whom have gotten this far in a graduate program.

This may be related to the Unrest in China.

I ask you post this and see if there is any pattern emerging.

Nov 29, 2022


h/t Wes


The above is information from an unverified source sent to Steve Quayle. Can it be considered for intelligence purposes? No.

Courses of Action:

  1. Nothing
  2. Try to corroborate this information from other sources. A cursory search on Chinese students leaving US universities in the last week had no results.

At this point, I would file this away. But if this is true, it is a tell that China will do something in the new three weeks. Like invade Taiwan. Since the US is looking for any reason to start WWIII…

If anyone has more information, please add to the comments. Speculation based on unverified information is not valid: please put good information from good sources in the comments if you find anything.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

Good post, man. China prepositioning its personnel prior to ??? We get one guess, and its not globalist sportsball. “local is not just where, its who”.

2 years ago

I work for a certain four letter gvt age_cy that deals with dis_ast-rs and right now, I work from home. I found out today that my gvt cmptr is being s_rveiled by my boss. They know when I am and am not working and possibly even my mouse clicks. I know this is a new thing since I used to work in the IT field. The globalists are moving up their timeline from 2030 to much sooner.

2 years ago
Reply to  AngryPatriot

I am convinced the globalists are working frantically to implement their plans ahead of schedule to avert the disaster of losing control of the world’s populaces.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Yes, I believe they are losing control and they know it. It’s obvious that they are frantically trying to implement ahead of schedule, and that’s good for us. They will be more prone to making mistakes, and their plans won’t be as solid.

2 years ago

Another point of interest-GOP AG’s working to block Vanguard’s purchase of public utilities companies due to Vanguard’s stance on global climate change agenda. If Blackrock/State Street/Vanguard are able to make such acquisitions, the US electrical grid will be grievously impaired no doubt.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

5 comments. No Chinese info. Reading comprehension.

Ann Nonimous
Ann Nonimous
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

“If anyone has more information, please add to the comments. Speculation based on unverified information is not valid: please put good information from good sources in the comments if you find anything.”

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The other day, the head of the Kuomintang was elected the Mayor of Taipei. The KMT is the half of the population that wants to reunite with Communist China. If I remember this right.

2 years ago

Only related Information i could find was several articles starting around June of this year talking about how Chinese students that had be stranded by COVID where finally starting to get sent back to China.

2 years ago

Medical school and physician residency programs are always greater than 50%.