Yes, the taste of ice cream is exquisite and so is the taste of freedom. Once tasted, you know you will never be able to go on living and be happy without them.
Mark Thompson
1 year ago
Although I like the analogy and love the video, I do not believe the premise is universally applicable. Yes, it applies to our stripe of rational people, who seem to be fewer and fewer in number these days. I do not believe it any longer generally applies to a large chunk of the masses, especially to those under the age of 40 or so. As a matter of fact, I greatly fear that this may be “OUR” biggest problem: we have deluded ourselves into believing that there is much more rationality, reasonability, and love of freedom -- out there than there actually is.
Al Bino
1 year ago
Maybe Voltaire knew what he was talking about when he coined the (para)phrase(d)
‘The only way ice cream can taste any better is if it were illegal.’
ie it means nothing if you’ve made no sacrifice to obtain it.
Though I would imagine making things cold, back then, would be like breaking the Laws of Physics.
1 year ago
Same goes for welfare/ handouts! Impossible to take them away!
LoL. That was adorable. Thx for the laugh.
Then Biden steals it & walks away.
Yes, the taste of ice cream is exquisite and so is the taste of freedom. Once tasted, you know you will never be able to go on living and be happy without them.
Although I like the analogy and love the video, I do not believe the premise is universally applicable. Yes, it applies to our stripe of rational people, who seem to be fewer and fewer in number these days. I do not believe it any longer generally applies to a large chunk of the masses, especially to those under the age of 40 or so. As a matter of fact, I greatly fear that this may be “OUR” biggest problem: we have deluded ourselves into believing that there is much more rationality, reasonability, and love of freedom -- out there than there actually is.
Maybe Voltaire knew what he was talking about when he coined the (para)phrase(d)
‘The only way ice cream can taste any better is if it were illegal.’
ie it means nothing if you’ve made no sacrifice to obtain it.
Though I would imagine making things cold, back then, would be like breaking the Laws of Physics.
Same goes for welfare/ handouts! Impossible to take them away!