An Appropriate Thought

h/t 173dVietVet

Steve Bannon is telling us that the government is afraid of the people. The proposed “restructuring” of the CDC is an example of why he believes this.

I disagree that the government is afraid of the people. Does it seem afraid when:

  1. The executive branch directs the Department of Justice to send the FBI to raid the home of President Trump for a fishing expedition? I suppose the release of a portion of the affidavit used to “secure” this political attack may provide some additional insight.
  2. The US government is laundering sending billions of dollars to fund Ukrainian military actions and pay for their government pensions as it has done for almost a decade.
  3. Our country’s borders are facilitating an invasion of drugs and people from around the world which is destroying our nation’s economy and security.
  4. The government has installed a two-tiered justice system that removes the rights of the people and allows the Deep State to act without any consequences.
  5. We accept a Resident who is mentally unfit and we do not even know who is controlling the country.
  6. The government funded a worldwide pandemic to destroy the economy, remove our rights to travel, attend church and work without any consequences.
  7. The government used gene therapy to destroy our military, generate profits for the pharmaceutical companies, destroy our educational system and continues to push the “vaccine” which has conservatively estimated to have killed twice as many people as their bioweapon.
  8. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff has publicly admitted to treason with the Chinese government without any charges or consequences.
  9. The government funds and endorses attacks on the people using Antifa as their personal brownshirts.
  10. Our children are being manipulated by gender reassignment and sexual perversions in our weaponized schools without parental consent.
  11. Inflation has destroyed the working class as food and energy costs continue their meteoric rise.
  12. People who protested on January 6th are being illegally held as political prisoners.

The list seems to be endless as we sit and complain. Few people will stand up and publicly admit that the President is illegal, that election fraud is still prevalent and that the Republic has fallen without a shot. Does that sound like the government is afraid?

I wish the government would be afraid of us but that day is not yet here. Wishing, like hoping, is not an effective strategy. I pray that the Lord will grant us the ability to fight and defeat this evil. I can only believe that He does not feel that we have the righteousness necessary to fight with a firm reliance on His providence to defeat evil.

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

There is no need to fear a coward.

2 years ago

Perhaps you are correct. Or perhaps what you have listed is because the government fears the potential power inherent in “we the people” and therefore is proactively attempting to subjugate the people to keep them from realizing the power that is within their control.
George Bernard Shaw stated that there are three kinds of people: those who make things happen, those who watch what happens and those who wonder what happened. What percentage of people in this country understand that the republic has long been dead and the Constitution died along with it? Most are oblivious to the evil that walks among us. Many spend their time worrying about where the money will come from to feed their children or fill up their gas tank.
Far be it from me to second guess what the Lord has planned for what is left of this once great experiment in liberty, but I feel that He will rise up the remnant left behind when the collapse is complete.

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

And among the things we cannot change is the elimination of evil that has brought us to the position we are presently in. All we can do at this point is fight it individually and collectively as it affects us. All of this is a test of our allegiance to Christ our Lord. We are in the process of being refined while the dross is cast aside.

2 years ago

“Does that sound like the government is afraid?”

No, it sounds like the government and the elites know a victim class when they see one. Any people that would have and allow the bulletin points such as referenced above, have shown there is no Constitution or other manner of governance pertaining to the people at large, but rather for those who can afford lawyers to make it work for them, and that’s conditional too. It should not be allowed that the derelict and deadly behavior of the CDC, hospitals, and medical clinics and facilities, and all else that is applicable, continue to be spoken of in terms of media-directed political speak and sound bites, as though this acceptance of medical overreach just continues on with more corporate neglect, and in such a non-descript way, offering few details. Further, the use of the term ‘special forces’ (in the video below) sounds as though they are preparing to militarily act in accordance varying methods of enforcement, in a resolute manner.

“CDC Director Orders Reorganization of Agency After Covid Pandemic Missteps”

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

It’s shocking and unnecessary their continued announcements of future plans. Their over confidence is stunning.


2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Yes, it sounds as though they are talking to their fellow satanists, trying to make it pass as though there’s something there in a positive directionality for the people. Think about it, if you were in a relationship with someone, would you tolerate being spoken to in those generalized terms? What do they even really mean? People continue to want more and more of these table crumbs.