An Apt Analogy

Why would someone kill another person for being happy as outlined in the article below? In this case, it probably was just a consequence of someone who could not take responsibility of his current life’s circumstances.

On a larger scale, let’s consider the so-called racist “Make America Great Again”. This is nothing more than restoring the American Dream in which hard work brings financial rewards and happiness. So why would half of the people in the United States want to kill the country for being happy? The answer is simple: simple minded people need to be led and simple minded leaders need the former to increase their power.

The logical conclusion: people who enjoy Liberty are happy and those that want to enslave us require a divisive, unhappy populace. This objective to enslave us has nothing to do with preserving the Republic. In fact, I could argue that their objective is to destroy the country if that is what it takes. There is no John Galt coming to save the country. It is up to us.

David DeGerolamo


Moroccan migrant murdered random Italian because “he looked happy and he couldn’t stand his happiness”

Prosecutors said that a suspect has confessed to murdering 33-year-old Italian Stefano Leo, who was found stabbed to death on the banks of the River Po in Turin on 23 February, for the sole reason that he wanted to kill someone.

The suspect, Said Machaouat, a 27-year-old Moroccan, turned himself in at the weekend.“I am the murderer of Stefano Leo. I have to turn myself in. I feel hunted by the Carabinieri (Italian military police force)”.“

Among all the people who were passing, I chose to kill this young man because he looked happy. And I couldn’t stand his happiness”, Mechaout said, according to the prosecutors.


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