A leaked video by fighters from the so-called Iraqi militia executed an 11 year old boy with bursts of bullets on his head in Diyala province in Iraq. Shoebat.com was able to obtain the footage showing a child in handcuffs being brutally beaten while surrounded by a group of Iranian backed Iraqi fighters, then executed the child with showers of bullets on the head.
I cannot verify the assertions that the Iraqi militia executed this boy. What I do know is that either Iranian led forces or ISIS is responsible. I also know that our country would never negotiate with terrorists in the past. Another transformation by the pResident.
David DeGerolamo
h/t Stephen
Yet another example of how these monsters work even killing their own kind which takes them to a even worse level !
** WAKE UP AMERICA !*******They are here among us in our homeland and you and your loved ones are next !
…Repeat as necessary!
Deport every last muslim from our country, and burn every copy of their evil book.
Nothing less will suffice, and nothing less is acceptable.
Those who dissemble on behalf of muslims from any position of influence or “authority” must be removed. Those who resist must be dealt with.
The time to be polite and “tolerate” the destruction of our culture, the Rule of Law, and the very fabric of our nation is long since past. Every communist and every muslim must be disposed of properly. NOW.