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Let’s Go Brandon.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Now that is Christmas, give me the 223.

Steve Montgomery
Steve Montgomery
3 years ago

Let’s go Brandon
And Nancy
And Chuck
And Aoc
And the squad

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

And every politician on both sides of the same team.

3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

You ever use Bitchute?
Max Igan has some great information.

Ely Powell
Ely Powell
3 years ago

Jesus told the deciples at the last supper to sell their cloaks and buy a sword. A modern translation would be sell your leather jacket and buy a rifle. Not many people know Jesus said this and its close to Christmas so I thought I’d share it with like minded folks. Jesus wants us to protect our families men!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  Ely Powell

Here are a few commentaries related to the passage. It is not as clear cut as so many make it.
Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers
(36) He that hath a purse, let him take it.—The word for “purse” is the same as in Luke 10:4, where see Note. On “scrip,” see Note on Matthew 10:10. If the words had stopped short of the “sword,” we could have received their literal meaning without difficulty. They would have seemed to counsel the prudence which provides for want, instead of a simple trust, as before, in the providence of God, and so would have sanctioned all equitable forms of Church organisation and endowment. The mention of the “sword,” however, introduces a new element of thought. Our Lord’s words to Peter (Matthew 26:52) show that the disciples were not meant to use it in His defence. It is not likely that He would teach them to use it in their own, as they preached the gospel of the Kingdom. True teachers felt afterwards that the weapons of their warfare were not carnal (2Corinthians 10:4). What follows supplies a probable explanation. The Master knew that two of the disciples (Peter and another) had brought swords with them, and with that acceptance of the thoughts of others which we have so often traced, He sadly, and yet, as it were, with the gentle sympathy with which a man speaks to those who are children in age or character, conveyed His warnings in the form which met their fears and hopes. If they meant to trust in swords, a time was coming when they would sorely need them.

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary
22:21-38 How unbecoming is the worldly ambition of being the greatest, to the character of a follower of Jesus, who took upon him the form of a servant, and humbled himself to the death of the cross! In the way to eternal happiness, we must expect to be assaulted and sifted by Satan. If he cannot destroy, he will try to disgrace or distress us. Nothing more certainly forebodes a fall, in a professed follower of Christ, than self-confidence, with disregard to warnings, and contempt of danger. Unless we watch and pray always, we may be drawn in the course of the day into those sins which we were in the morning most resolved against. If believers were left to themselves, they would fall; but they are kept by the power of God, and the prayer of Christ. Our Lord gave notice of a very great change of circumstances now approaching. The disciples must not expect that their friends would be kind to them as they had been. Therefore, he that has a purse, let him take it, for he may need it. They must now expect that their enemies would be more fierce than they had been, and they would need weapons. At the time the apostles understood Christ to mean real weapons, but he spake only of the weapons of the spiritual warfare. The sword of the Spirit is the sword with which the disciples of Christ must furnish themselves.Barnes’ Notes on the Bible
But now -- The Saviour says the times are changed. “Before,” he sent them out only for a little time. They were in their own country. Their journeys would be short, and there was no need that they should make preparation for a long absence, or for encountering great dangers. But “now” they were to go into the wide world, among strangers, trials, dangers, and wants. And as the time was near; as he was about to die; as these dangers pressed on, it was proper that they should make provision for what was before them.

A purse -- See the notes at Matthew 10:9. He intimates that they should “now” take money, as it would be necessary to provide for their wants in traveling.

Scrip -- See the notes at Matthew 10:10.

And he that hath no sword -- There has been much difficulty in understanding why Jesus directed his disciples to arm themselves, as if it was his purpose to make a defense. It is certain that the spirit of his religion is against the use of the sword, and that it was not his purpose to defend himself against Judas. But it should be remembered that these directions about the purse, the scrip, and the sword were not made with reference to his “being taken” in the garden, but with reference “to their future life.” The time of the trial in Gethsemane was just at hand; nor was there “time” then, if no other reason existed, to go and make the purchase. It altogether refers to their future life. They were going into the midst of dangers. The country was infested with robbers and wild beasts. It was customary to go armed. He tells them of those dangers -- of the necessity of being prepared in the usual way to meet them. This, then, is not to be considered as a specific, positive “command” to procure a sword, but an intimation that great dangers were before them; that their manner of life would be changed, and that they would need the provisions “appropriate to that kind of life.” The “common” preparation for that manner of life consisted in money, provisions, and arms; and he foretells them of that manner of life by giving them directions commonly understood to be appropriate to it. It amounts, then, to a “prediction” that they would soon leave the places which they had been accustomed to, and go into scenes of poverty, want, and danger, where they would feel the necessity of money, provisions, and the means of defense. All, therefore, that the passage justifies is:

1. That it is proper for people to provide beforehand for their wants, and for ministers and missionaries as well as any others.

2. That self-defense is lawful.

Men encompassed with danger may lawfully “defend” their lives. It does not prove that it is lawful to make “offensive” war on a nation or an individual.

Let him sell his garment -- His “mantle” or his outer garment. See the notes at Matthew 5:40. The meaning is, let him procure one at any expense, even if he is obliged to sell his clothes for it intimating that the danger would be very great and pressing.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago

So how many have heard of the Mega “church” with the crowd shouting “Lets go Brandon?”
Is that how we should behave? Is that your church? And yes i get it, i even brought a sticker home that says Lets go Brandon. But i believe we are missing something. There is wrong on both sides! we may be allowing the world to lead us astray!

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower, working on it.
tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Good versus evil and even you brought a sticker home, the one and only righteous soul amongst the heathens. There is only one side at this point, those that oppose the satanic global cabal. DEATH to the TYRANTS.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Believe it or not the little things matter. WTf have you done that has your head so swollen?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

So here we are on a thread with satan clause holding s sword! Ironic?
So we (mankind changes the words too mean something else?
Fuck Joe Biden. And this is good, this is funny.(And yes i too got caught up in it for a minute.
we laugh as patriots send their children to shake hands with this man while wearing a fuck you shirt, we laugh and get angry when a school removes a shirt from a child while wearing this shirt.
the world leads many away.
Were we taught this was ok in our childhood, yet now suddenly it is a ok okie dokie?
i was taught by my parents and grand parents this was wrong. In reading the Bible, i believe this is wrong. What are we now teaching our children, our brothers, our “congregations?
i oppose all satans activities even the small local stuff that each one of us seem to get caught up in daily!