An Important Point to Remember

Whether Resident Biden keeps forgetting that he thinks he is President is not relevant. The important point is that he is not the President regardless of what the traitors in Washington, D.C. claim.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

I listened to him for about 10 seconds and turned it off. I don’t even want to hear that fucker’s voice!

3 years ago

David -- -- You are correct; he is not a lawful prez,
Ok, so now what can we do about it?

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and those of others who participate on this site.

3 years ago

It is only an “important” point if there is something that be done to get him out of office. Is he a legitimate president? No. Is he acting legitimate? Well, he is at the g7. He was sworn in as president. The filthy dishonest John Robert’s swore him in. He lives at 1600 Pennsylvania DC. That is what is important. He is acting and doing things that show he is president. Doesn’t matter he is illegitimate. We are all living behind enemy lines now. This is what I know: When you have minorities like fags and trannies who are a minutia of the population treated by the government as if they are a super majority, you have corruption. They do not represent the USA. They are like a needle in a haystack. And what this means to the majority is that even though you produce everything, manufacture everything, pay taxes for everything, join the service to protect everything, even though you are EVERYTHING…You are now EVERYTHING wrong with your country. Well, if you are receiving a federal paycheck YOU ARE EITHER A TRAITOR OR ARE BENEFITTING A TRAITOR, AND YOU ARE EVERYTHING WRONG WITH AMERICA.

Occupy wallstreet
Occupy wallstreet
3 years ago
Reply to  Me2

Nice to see you have such a high regard for retired military veterans and elderly retirees.It is easy to sit there talk stuff on your computer all day, but the truth is…this country has been strategically manipulated to its current state for several generations, and there is no one person or group who can claim responsibility. We have been SLOW BOILED, like a frog, INTO SUBMISSION since the beginning. Instead of pointing fingers, real Americans need to come together and focus on common ground. Doesn’t anyone see that that’s part of the manipulation? Get everyone arguing over minutia to conquer and divide. Get everyone emotionally mad, angry, and scared so that they don’t have the capability for LOGICAL THOUGHT. Resistance to tyranny doesn’t happen overnight…There was a span of almost two hundred years from the first permanent settlement until the Declaration of Independence with a ten year organization period in between and a whole lot of Common Sense to get everyone on board. When our politicians are under obligation to corporations, we cannot expect anything other than corruption at the highest levels. If you really want to touch on cause and effect, rescinding the crazy CORPORATE PERSONHOOD of 1886 might be a good place to start.

3 years ago

Try out for the Olympics. Maybe they have an event called “jumping to conclusions”. Didn’t say anything about vets or retirees. And, “real Americans need to come together and find common ground”?
No shit? Wow, no one has ever thought of that! Guess what, it ain’t working! And pointing fingers is where We are at! Here’s a thought, run for office. You have the same great ideas all the other dumbasses do that run this country into the ground.

Just sayin'
Just sayin'
3 years ago
Reply to  Me2

I think vets and retirees receive federal paychecks, and that is where the disconnect came from. I agree with Occupy in that there is clearly great focus on division, and emotions that run too high for logic to be centerstage.

Barbara Noelle
Barbara Noelle
3 years ago

This person (clone?) was never elected. We are seeing a movie needing to play out so the very unawakened will wake up. And it is ugly when you really do wake up and see what humanity has actually ALLOWED for centuries upon centuries. The bad kids on the playground are being marched off and they are kicking and screaming on the way out.