Update: YouTube terminated this account. I put the Rumble video up.
Another scenario but at least this has a reason why the National Guard still is in Washington, D.C. Can anyone confirm when the guard is scheduled to leave?
David DeGerolamo
h/t Hermit Sister
30 days from inauguration
Supposedly they are there until January 26th.
My ERROR! January 26th.
As much as I would like to believe what he is saying, I think he is full of it. The takeover/coup has happened and we have to think about how we respond to future tyrannical action by Obiden.
Agreed. I feel duped, and stupid, for listening to multiple YouTube channels (Bards FM, Monkey Werx, the 2 Brits, and several others) all saying the same BS. Yet another date, another “waypoint”. Trump was either controlled opposition and took us all for a ride or, he just walked away, while he had control of the military, and left all the rot for us to waddle through. I won’t say anymore for what should be obvious reasons.
Yep. We all want to believe. I still wonder why the national guard is still there.
So how much longer are people going to say we have to wait to see the 10D chess game to be played out?
I also am getting tired of the this always follow the Constitution and yet ignore who enforces constitutional law and it is not the military.
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This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.
Gone like yesterday.
I dont know if this link still works but if it does I highly encourage to watch it and share it everywhere.
The called makings of a perfect day
60 Days
I mean let’s just wait 60.
I too am getting tired of bullshitters spewing false hope. I think it was Wes who posted here a passage out of a book that showed the Q-Anon thing was a tactic right out of the Soviet playbook to spread false hope.
You can always trust the ministers of truth, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNEFb_Se8HY
My Horse took a 15-Pound Dump this Morning. It made more sense than all the (Q)-Tard Shit ever produced. And it’s better for growing Tomatoes.
And for what it’s worth, the ‘Guard’ is probably still there, scrounging for cold Pizza, because the Whole Thing was a Logistical Flustercuck from the beginning. And if You are in the ‘Guard’, Quit Now. Maybe your House won’t become a ‘target’.
How can you possibly make the comparison of Donald Trump to the greatest American that has ever lived, General George Washington.
At 22 Major Washington, set out to claim the Forks of the Ohio River, for Virginia and the British Empire. Unfortunately, a self-serving Seneca Chief, known to the British as the Half-King, murdered a French officer, Jumonville, and Washington signing his surrender at Fort Necessity, that was written in French, inadvertently admitted to the murder of the French officer Jumonville. This error is the beginning of he French and Indian War. At 23, Colonel Washington saved what he could of Braddock’s column after the improvised Indian and French ambush on the banks of the Monongahela, in spite of Washington’s warnings to Braddock not to fight in the European style in the forest of Appalachia. Washington seeks a British commission and is denied. Washington will serve the rest of the French and Indian War as a Colonel of Virginia militia on the frontier.
Following the French and Indian War, Washington would go on to be a successful surveyor, planter, land speculator, and Virginia Representative in the House of Burgesses.
Washington will volunteer his services at the Second Continental Congress and be named the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.
Washington will ultimately organize the Continental Army, secure Fort Ticonderoga, and win the Siege of Boston by forcing Howe out of Boston with newly acquired artillery pieces and positions. Washington will go on to relocate the Continental to face Howe at Long Island. Washington will be humiliated during the Battle of Long Island. Washington and the Continental Army will continue to be defeated by Howe at Harlem Heights, Kips Bay, White Plains, and Fort Washington.
Washington is forced to retreat into Pennsylvania. Washington is now forced to risk it all twice and cross the Delaware for surprise attacks at Trenton and Trenton again and Princeton.
Washington in late 1777 will face Howe again at Brandywine and Germantown and be defeated. Ultimately, Howe will capture Philadelphia in 1777.
Washington will reorganize at Valley Forge, and then still lose at Monmouth in 1778.
Washington doesn’t do much from 1779-1780 but stare at Henry Clinton who is too scared to ever make a move out of New York City.
Washington will accept the sound advice of Rochambeau and go trap Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781 and refuse O’hara’s surrender in Cornwallis’ stead on October 19, 1781.
Washington stops the Newburgh Conspiracy of Continental officers in 1783.
December 23, 1783 General George Washington resigns as Commander of the Continental Army.
Washington easily had the power to become king. Yet he gave it back to the Congress and thus the people of the United States. Only Cincinnatus, a crisis dictator of the Roman Republic, had similar power and gave it back to a legislative body. Washington will retire from public service to Mount Vernon.
Washington will be called back to service and represent Virginia at the Constitutional Convention. Washington will serve as the Convention’s President. Washington’s efforts at the Convention are vital to its ultimate success because of much compromise generally supported by Washington.
April 30, 1789, George Washington is inaugurated the first President of the United States of America. Washington’s presidency will be a long series of precedents.
Washington believed that the precedents he set must make the presidency powerful enough to function effectively in the national government, however at the same time these practices could not show any tendency toward monarchy or dictatorship.
-Appointed a Cabinet of advisors.
-Requested to be addressed as “Mr. President.”
-Presented annual State of the Union to Congress.
-Spent his days doing the business of government and set aside the late afternoon for meetings with the public and evenings for dinner parties with invited guests.
-Made it acceptable for presidents to retreat from the pressures of the job to their own homes while in office.
-He retired after serving eight years and so set the precedent that presidents should only serve for two terms. (Last day in office March 4, 1797.)
Washington’s Presidential Accomplishments:
-Appointed all the first Cabinet, Supreme Court, and all lower Federal Courts.
-Advised the plan for the eventual capital city, Washington DC.
-Established First Bank of the United States.
-Bill of Rights was written and ratified in 1791 in Washington’s first term.
-Resolved the 1794 Whiskey Rebellion.
-Jay Treaty in 1795 normalized trade with Britain and removed British soldiers from all western frontier forts.
-Avoided foreign conflicts and war.
-Treated American Indian Nations as foreign powers to be respected and negotiated with.
Please someone tell me how anything that Donald Trump has ever done, is even 1/10th of what George Washington accomplished in his life. There is no comparison to George Washington and Trump definitely doesn’t even come close.
Hell Washington’s mistake of signing that French Treaty and admitting to a murder he didn’t commit which inadvertently starts the French and Indian War/Seven Years War is a greater accomplishment than anything Trump ever did.
Agree, we have no real idea what great men are and I am afraid there are none left. To think they risked everything, including the lives of their family (most likely their family would have ended up slaves, think about that) just to be free. I would feel safe to say there are very few today that would risk their job just to be free, let alone risking everything for just that one chance to be free. Very humbling to think of that.
Lets face it, Washington crossed the Delaware in the freezing cold to do a real battle. He could have easily just stayed on the other side and let his troops do it. But he went with them. Trump could not even walked down to the Capital building for a peaceful demonstration. There is a huge difference in leadership there.
Washington crossed the Delaware because it was his last chance to fight: a large portion of his troops’ enlistment was up at the end of the year. If his plan had been followed, his other attack would have secured a large amount of money from the British but that general did not follow his orders. George Washington was the indispensable man to form the new nation.
You do not know why Donald Trump did not walk down to the Capitol but I believe we will find out one day. I am not equating Trump with Washington. I do believe Trump is the closest man to Washington that is alive today.
I did not mean the reason why he crossed, it was that he crossed with his men. We all know at the time period the Continental Army was on the verge of collapse and that victory was needed.
Just out of curiosity, when can we give up on Trump saving us? I am serious about this. He had thrown away prime opportunities to clean out the swamp and he failed to do so. All the while the 3D chess game was being played. I am serious about this question and mean no disrespect by it. But there comes a time when you have to realize that you are being played. I do understand the why people want someone to come save them and the fear that is there. Heck I fear what is coming, but I do know that there has never been any indication that anyone in the government is going to save this country from what it allowed it to become. The solution has always been where the problem started, in The People.
I am not saying that Trump is coming to save us. I am saying that there are multiple signs that this is still playing out.