I find it strange that people attack me for printing a simple proposition: if an article or scientific paper cannot be replicated, is not peer reviewed, does not present the statistical data with a p value, then the information cannot be considered. This means that data concerning a treatment is “anecdotal” until it is tested correctly and verified by another laboratory. This also means that Dr. Fauci is correct is his assessment of hydroxycloroquine. You are welcome to take it if you have COVID-19 but attacking him for a correct assessment on his part only makes you an ass.
This also points out that people who are expressing their opinions based on bad information are acting out of fear and/or ignorance. Excellent examples of “information” that is bad are shown on this video. But people still cling to everyone having an opinion based on nothing or faulty publications. And when their delusions are exposed, they attack the messenger.
I think the first thing to set straight is the name of this blog: NCRenegade. I just don’t care what you “think” hence the name. I will continue to post information that will hopefully try to get you to make reasoned decisions. It appears that many people are not coping well with the economic collapse that they knew was inevitable.
As for people quoting the Bible concerning judgment and rebuking, I believe this article does a fair job explaining this concept:
My question is about the difference between “judging” and “rebuking.” Whenever I tell someone, for example, that it is wrong to live a homosexual lifestyle, or that it is wrong to have sex outside of marriage, I always get the response,”Don’t judge.” Then I’ll cite references from the Bible that clearly state that these actions are wrong. I’ll then get the response, “The Bible also says you shouldn’t judge other people.” Now, I realize that Matthew 7:1 says “Do not judge.” But we, as Christians, also have the responsibility to rebuke people, out of love, for their wrongdoings and lead them on a righteous path. I believe that by telling people of their wrongdoings, as a part of an effort to lead them to a righteous lifestyle, that I am doing the right thing. So what exactly does it mean to “judge”? At what point does my loving rebuke become a sinful judgment?
There are several things to consider with your question.
Rather than seeing a wide divide between judging and rebuking, there is some overlap. Jesus said, “If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them” (Luke 17:3). How do I know if someone has sinned? I have to make a judgment, don’t I? I have to compare what a person said or did with God’s word. That is a judgment, an outward judgment, and the kind we are to make.
Jesus also said, “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you” (Matthew 18:15). Again, a judgment of the person’s action needs to be made.
For me, it is my understanding that rebuking someone is reserved for our brothers and sisters; this means someone who will personally know. I do not know Aesop so it is not my responsibility to publicly judge or rebuke him. I see his frustration especially when no one will answer his outstanding question.
Once again, I don’t care. We are at the gates of Hell at this point and we should bee turning to God for His help. In the future, I will put “p-value” in any comment referencing pseudoscience opinions to mislead people. It is time to man up and face reality because you have no other choice.
David DeGerolamo
I think its just trolling. You are correct morally & truthfully. Most humans dislike moral behavior because today’s world everyone thinks somehow the new normal is a complete loss of values. I am in no way perfect & it is refreshing to be reminded of things that matter both as a human in an imperfect world & spiritually.
You are absolutely correct about what Fauci stated. Yet this criminal Fauci is also judged by the same scientific regimen concerning his world renown research on Aids/HVI . His research is not repeatable. We have this fraud destroying our country. His statement concerning the use of decades old malaria medicine was stated to manipulate public opinion. Big pharma has no interest in promoting a treatment they can’t profit from.
Who is this Aesop that you refer too? What is this all about?
Aesop is the blogger who publishes at https://raconteurreport.blogspot.com/
You beat me to it. Thanks for the help.
I judge Aesop to be under the dominion of Satan. He seeks to motivate through fear. He corrupts the Hegelian discourse by framing the decision on an either or outcome. Either we continue to accept a continuing lock down or we choose to return to economic pursuit. That is a false choice. We know that the virus will not disappear from this earth so why listen to those who have a one world agenda? Those who instead seek freedom as explained in the Scriptures will find a more perfect way.
Here is what i see, i see confusion. Now i can see certain references to me, but rather than jumping to conclusions i will say, if you want to discuss any thing i have said we could do it on the thread with the issue and have the context necessary for a fair discussion..
you are fine. the post is directed at several people but mainly to the people in this country who view an economy more that the lives of God’s children.
Thank you, i must admit i almost got carried away with it . i took some of it absolutely the wrong way,
i believe we are to see that God wishes(His Will) us all to be brothers, there mat be a distinction between ( Brethren and Brothers) But i believe we are to reach out to one and all as we are directed and or permitted.
Something to think and or be aware of are stumbling blocks,in the world and in the Bible: many “christians” think certain verses mean one thing and one way only and they will take it and run with it to the ends of the earth…. But the Holy Spirit can and will allow one to see these verses in a completely different light.
The Holy Spirit can make sense of contradictions and confusion of the Bible and this world around us.
Remember: The economy does effect God’s children also.
I have been chewing on this issue for the last few hours. As David has stated in prior posts, “a single strand RNA is known to mutate”, forgive me if what I stated is not correct. I am basing my understanding on something I know nothing about, but also know that David does understand these things at a much deeper level. With that said, I assume that a vaccine for this virus will be no more successful than the yearly flu vaccines. The best of years, I believe the vaccine is as high as 60% efficient. So then I am led to believe that this virus will always be with us.
Now I want to switch the stream of thought to “normalcy bias.” When this pandemic reached the Medical Center in which I maintain isolation room and ICU environments, I must confess that my initial reaction was one of dread. I have had to learn to live with and grow accustom to the new circumstances of work life. I no longer have that sense of fear. I have seen this same change in others that I work with. We do what we have to do. From this new frame of reference, I would encourage those who have thus far lived these past six weeks in isolation, to ask themselves, how long will I live in hope that things will go back to the way things were? From what I have researched and from all the good information that has been posted here on NCrenegade, I believe that this virus will be around for the rest of my life, And I am in a better position to thrive because of what I have had to adjust to.
Live free and trust in the Lord…