An Old Question That Still Needs an Answer

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4 years ago

If You are waiting on the Government to hold them accountable then the answer is easy.Nothing is going to happen.If any major player is implicated for anything serious it will be one of three things,After the statute of limitations has run out,or a like you said,a scapegoat,or lastly a pardon because of their long time service for this country.
It sucks but it is bussiness as usual.

4 years ago
Reply to  David

Oh, I wouldn’t cut ourselves so short…yet.
Once the coming unpleasantness is underway,
there’s a few folks out there who have a shopping
list…Criminals, Cretans, and Traitors, will be held
accountable…then other business will be addressed.

4 years ago

>Nothing< Happens as long as the Lights stay on, and there is Food at the Grocery Store.
Everything Else is Irrelevant.

4 years ago

Protect yourself your homes and your families. Stay out of trouble with the law and exercise your first and second amendment rights. Vote and pray like your life depends on it and well see where we end up. Don’t go out and do something stupid thinking you’re Billy Badass and get yourself killed or imprisoned. These are strange perilous times and we have to be smart not impulsive.