by Brenton Smith
Deciding when to retire should not be a complicated matter. Unfortunately the Internet is making it so by amplifying bad advice to seniors suggesting that waiting to collect benefits is not only sensible but well worth the wait.
It is, of course, all nonsense. You cannot materially increase your expected Social Security benefits by changing your claiming date. This middle school math seems to befuddle PhDs, recognized financial gurus, and media outlets like the Wall Street Journal. They in turn have confused seniors with terrible advice that has been magnified by the Internet into urban legend.
Everyone understands that seniors want to get what’s yours, but waiting until 70 is not the way to do it. You have a better chance of maximizing your benefits with Tarot cards than listening to experts on the issue of setting your claiming date.
Lets over look the criminal act of the SS program.
“Everyone understands that seniors want to get what’s yours”
I did not know that SS was set up to draw what you put in. I am a little confused since the beginning it has been that those working paid for those drawling. Take for instance Ida Fuller, paid in 20 some odd dollars and received 20,000 and some odd dollars. It has been a ponzi scheme from the beginning. Created to put chains on older Americans that where too foolish to understand what was going on and too constitutionally ignorant to care about the legality of the edict.