IPB Q&A Webinar

On 19 August, I’ll be hosting an hour long webinar to answer your questions about Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB) over at the Culper Institute.  This event will be free to all students enrolled in the course.  I’ll be answering your questions live.  If we have to run over an hour then we will.  Here’s the link to the event information.

The audio from this Q&A will be posted as Lesson #5 on the IPB course page.

For anyone who has not yet registered, there’s still time to enroll in Intelligence Analysis 201: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield.  This is the Army’s pre-operational intelligence product.  The course will take you step by step and you’ll build out an intelligence product.  You’ll be looking in-depth at your community so you can better protect your homestead or bug-out location, your family and yourself.


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