And Nothing Will Happen

Stuff like this just needs to stop. Nothing is going to happen. No one is coming to save our once great Nation. It’s over and no one is going to be held accountable for all the crimes that have been committed against We the People.

We are cowards.

Now excuse me, I have another day ahead of me of eating shit sandwiches.


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3 years ago

The sooner we realize there is no negotiating with the government terrorists, the better off we’ll be. It’s time for reasonable men to do unreasonable things. And for the fbi reading these, go fk your mother!

3 years ago

Yeah, something needs to be done. We hear that often, but what would that be?

3 years ago

Specific targets all important. Willy nilly not important.

3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

Big reason nothing is happening stems from incremental tightening of the vice or slow boil of the water. As long as folks can eat, sleep, dress and play nothing will happen. Some are working and paying their bills. Some are able to still go to the doctor. Others are being paid to wreak havoc. Unfortunately, it will take a major catastrophic event to mobilize anyone. Not sure if that is in the offing. The PTB may be too smart for that. Better to use red flags. Only thing I see in the immediate future is continued marauding requiring self defense only to have defenders being prosecuted. There will be isolated take downs of right-wingers in such a manner that no one can/will assist. Heavily armed middle of the night exercises.

3 years ago

And I’m watching Muricans walk about with a double patty shit sandwich bragging about their freedoms . They don’t even know they are slaves living in a police state .

3 years ago

Towards the end the text reads “The Gloves Are Off”.
Well, it was not too bright to be wearing them in the first place.
Be prepared to defend what is yours.
Property, wealth, loved ones, etc.
Tooth and nail

J. Smith
J. Smith
3 years ago

There are two types of slaves, the mistreated, who know they are slaves, and the pacified who think they are free and not slaves. The US is full of slaves.
First thing first, to the Feds and DHS that scrape this and other social media for your “threat reporting” you are part of a criminal cabal, I liken you to the Savak, KGB and Stasi. You are part of the gatekeeper class. This garbage about well there are good men and women in their ranks, its the management. BS. No one in law enforcement or intelligence I ever worked with liked you or respected you. There are sins of commission and sins of omission. Which ones are you a part when you know how corrupt our government is and you still work for it and perpetuate the criminality, corruption, fraud and destroying of the US and non-black culture.
To the point of this thread, after Nov 2020, I gave up my military career, government career, gave up my clearance and moved to BFE no, im not going back to work, screw this system, youre not getting anymore than the bare minimum from me. I got everything i need. I pay as little taxes (legally) as possible. I use government as little as possible. I barter as much as possible, keeps govie out of my business. I removed all my investments from the markets as well as banks. I only invest in tangible assets and commodities. Getting rid of cellphone, internet and email in about six months also. I use social media sparingly. I shop locally with moms and pops stores, do and make much of my own. I dont buy or use any entertainment except a few free channels I get with an antenna, mostly westerns and 80’s shows. as I sit back and watch this shitshow unfold from afar, i’m Joe F’in nobody. Our removal of consent and participation from this corrupt system are the first steps, if you arent doing it then quit your complaining, this is how we fight back for now. After four conflicts, I walked away from 32 years of faithful, deep service, to this once what I believed was a great nation (long since gone) and an oath. So, screw all of you who wont do the same but want to still act like you stand for something, you stand with criminals. After my last five years in the “E” ring, I saw all I needed to and realized there are not enough of us to make an impact from within anymore, and we have been thoroughly sold out, and taken over, too many ‘Mericans are a part of this either by commission or omission, too many just go along with the criminality, fraud, reverse racism, decadence, reverse classism, globalism, for pay and pension, or by believing you are just doing your job.
Get out of the corrupt system as much as possible. Im sure next the feds will label this action as a threat narrative by white supremacist extremists, and call this sovereign citizen behavior or such, giving them more justification for more funding and to violate our rights further. Good, just exposes them more and more.
Who should we be focused on? The controllers, facilitators and gatekeepers, not the street pawns, or circus clowns. If you havent figured out who those really are, then sit down and start reading, we dont have time to hand hold while you catch up.
Obey the law, but remove your consent and participation as much as possible, quit propping up this system with your tax dollars, commercial support, your labor, your votes and watch it fall apart. get your kids out of the marxist madrassas, quit sending them to worthless colleges , get them skills training. Government is a leech, it needs you to survive, not the other way around. As for big businesses, they want you smart enough to produce for them, and pacified enough to keep working to buy their goods, your own special hamster wheel, you are simply a blood bag to those leeches also.
De Opresso Liber

3 years ago
Reply to  J. Smith

We come to the party when we come. Some could say what took You so long, but that would be crass and self aggrandizing.

3 years ago
Reply to  J. Smith

Well many thanks. I guess I’m a slow learner, but still a leaner. I can assure you it was not fatal optimism. But, yeah as more of us come home from the ranks, I just wanna say welcome home boys, we’ve missed you, have a cold one and stay frosty.

John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

Time and place.