The following information should start “Welcome, comrades!”. The article from US Day of Rage is a call to arms by the left “in order to prosper”. The battle lines are being drawn.
I want to call your attention to the last line of the page:
Follow us on twitter @USDayofRage – #USDOR #FUCKYOUWASHINGTON
This is what Democracy looks like.
David DeGerolamo
US Day of Rage
Welcome, friends! As you browse our page and explore our cause, be sure to take note of whom we endorse and support fully – as this is a call to arms, a call to action! We are one, and we all stand for similar causes; we need the support of each other in order to prosper. Help us and those we support by taking a stand! Here is how you can help:
—> “Occupy Wall Street” September 17th, 2011, in order to express your views that you have had absolutely enough of the lies fed to you by Wall Street. Bring your tent and your voice and occupy Wall Street beginning September 17th for as long as you can. You are not alone, and we need your support. We fully endorse and support our partner:
—> “Take the Square” October 6th, 2011 in Freedom Square, D.C. Help support our partners at and help make this world a better place. Take a stand!
—> Furthermore, provide aid by spreading awareness of the “European Revolution”. We proudly support them as our partner and we all need all the help we can get; together, we can make the world a better place. Show them your support:
—> We our also partners with WL Central; help spread awareness by supporting them as well! Visit:
—> Although we are not directly affiliated with Anonymous & LulzSec, we support their work avidly; show them some support as well. We are one people and we all deserve our rights.
We are also sending out a call to arms for the US Day of Rage – we need your assistance! If there is anyone out there who would like to help, please, do not hesitate to contact us via or
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ways to provide aid: organize a state protest in any of the 50 United States (apart from Indiana & Minnesota, which we already have underway), provide support via twitter responses to questions about the US Day of Rage (#USDOR, @USDayofRage), provide email responses to those who would like to learn more about (what we do and what we stand for), or provide any support outside of these realms, what-so-ever! Contact us ASAP! You are not alone.
Follow us on twitter @USDayofRage – #USDOR #FUCKYOUWASHINGTON #FYW
They are becoming very bold and are they calling for violence with their “call to arms”? This is scary stuff! We are seeing evil becoming more and more active in our country! This is a result of our country turning its back on God and not allowing Him in our public realm any longer, no doubt.
Hmmm: “…this is a call to arms, a call to action!”
Strong words from a tribe of “wussies” who believe in government gun control and civilian disarmament.
A few events like the ones planned above and we’ll be close to the time when normally quiet conservatives will proudly say:
“Bring it on, punk, I see your rage and raise you one severe ass whipping.”
Dear concerned American citizens,
I would like to point out that we are not leftist. US Day of Rage is concerned about reforming our corrupt elections, which are as much in the pocket of the special interests on both sides of the political spectrum.
Please refer to our principles for clarifications:
A principle is a belief or an unenforceable guideline governing one’s personal behavior or the behavior of a group. Below are the principles of US Day or Rage:
Non Violence
US Day of Rage is non violent. Violence is behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. Please see resources for information about how to organize and practice non-violent resistance and civil disobedience.
Principles before Party.
We place principles and our objectives before party. US Day of Rage will never endorse, finance, or lend our name to any candidate or party. We support a citizens right to so affiliate, and we understand that individuals and groups participating in the US Day of Rage may be so affiliated.
Every US Day of Rage organizational committee on the state, city, and federal level should be entirely self-supporting, declining outside contributions from any political party, association, or candidate. US Day of Rage is not a money making operation. We are volunteers. No treasury should be kept. We do this lest problems of money, property, or prestige divert us from our primary aim, reforming our elections. Our logo and content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License, unless otherwise noted. Use it, just don’t abuse it.
Autonomous Except in Matters Affecting the Whole
Individual state, city, and federal demonstrations are autonomous, except in matters affecting the whole. We do not support, for example, violations to our principle of non-violence. US Day of Rage dot com, org, etc. is here to help facilitate state and city level organization, and to organize the federal protest at the US Capitol.
Best Regards.
Further, we do not have a position on gun control…are localized at the state level and are surrounded around the principle that only citizens should make campaign contributions and they should not exceed one dollar.
Legitimate government is born of the self-interest and will of the people expressed by its citizens in free and fair elections. It does not spring from a tyranny of corporate or royal patronage, or a system or ideology that runs counter to the aims of life.
The institutions of government were designed to protect the principles of our democratic republic and to serve the will of citizens.
Corporations, even those owned by foreign shareholders, use money to act as the voices of millions, while individual citizens, the legitimate voters, are silenced and demoralized by the farce.
Free and fair elections inspire good citizenship and public service, because they engage the intelligence and genuine good will of the American people.
They produce the kind of stewardship our nation desperately needs, because they ensure that citizens can influence their destiny, and make genuine contributions to society.
Free and fair elections remedy the myriad ills and abuses of a corrupt and illegitimate government, which preys on the resources and spirits of citizens.
These abuses and ills are listed on the official US Day of Rage twitter hash tag #usdor.
For these reasons, we come together now to organize a national and non-violent protest.
Dear Admin @ US Day of Rage --
You string together words as if you understand their meaning. Let’s examine the last word in the phrase “US Day of Rage”.
Merriam-Webster: Definition of RAGE
1a : violent and uncontrolled anger
b : a fit of violent wrath
The common element in both entries for the primary definition is “VIOLENT”.
Do you see the contradiction with your ‘first principle’ (non-violence).
So, until you become sufficiently educated in the meaning of words, you should avoid the embarrasment that comes from using them incorrectly.
You might want to also research the meaning of the phrase “…the right to keep and bear arms SHALL not be infringed”.
I’m sure a large number of us God, Guns, and Gold personalities will be pleased to meet your Rage (def: violence) with a healthy dose of self defense.
G’nite & Good Riddance.
funny how we read about this right after Al Gore’s call for an American Spring…I don’t think for one minute that this isn’t a plan of the left, most likely sponsored by George Soros in an effort to continue to de-stabilize and bring down this ccountry…”Cloward-Piven” is written all over it. BTW, the gun show, here in Raleigh today, was filled with patriots, getting ready to fight.