What is the value of teaching about the European Union when this same Department of Public Instruction was, just a couple of years ago, working hard to minimize the education of American History (specifically the American Union before Reconstruction) in our public schools?
Greetings Social Studies Educators:
Attached you will find time sensitive information regarding FREE summer leadership opportunity for students in grades 4-11 and their adult adviser. Other teacher professional development opportunities include:
CES K-12 Summer Workshops – The New NC Essential Standards: Incorporating the European Union
Two Location Options |
Chapel Hill |
Charlotte area (Waxhaw) |
Thursday, June 14, 2012 |
Friday, June 15, 2012 |
Join your colleagues for a 1-day workshop designed to help North Carolina K-12 teachers better understand our interconnected world by learning more about the European Union. This workshop will include presentations on the European Union and transatlantic relations, along with sessions on how to incorporate the EU into the new NC Essential Standards. Teachers will also learn about resources that use technology to enhance content and better integrate the EU into the school’s curriculum. One CEU will be awarded for completion of the program.
Sponsored by: UNC Center for European Studies and EU Center of Excellence.
Registration Deadline: May 15 (registration fee $40)
For more information and to register, please visit http://www.unc.edu/depts/europe/teachingresources/2012eu-workshop.htm. You can register online, or fill out the paper registration form (PDF).
Designed specifically for educational leaders, participants complete independent assignments and five one-hour voice chat discussion sessions. TPS:BASICS is an educate-the-educator course that models inquiry teaching and learning, incorporating primary sources at each stage of the inquiry cycle using classroom-ready model activities and time-tested practices. Working individually and in collaboration with fellow participants, educational leaders complete and develop inquiry-based learning activities to share with their local colleagues. Participants will complete a total of fifteen hours of professional development and will receive a certificate of completion.
Wednesdays, May 23rd – June 20th
1:00 – 2:00 pm (chat sessions)
5:30 – 6:30 pm (chat sessions)
Register online: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BV7X96H
More information: https://tps.waynesburg.edu/tpseasternregion/events
If you have previously participated in TPS:BASICS, please forward this information to colleagues who may be interested. Thank you.
Sue Wise
Associate Director
TPS Eastern Region
Coordinated by Waynesburg University
Please share this message with others who may not subscribe to our listserv.
Best regards,
Fay Gore
Section Chief | K-12 Social Studies
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Division of Curriculum and Instruction
6345 Mail Service Center | Raleigh, NC 27699-6345
[P] 919.807.3954
[F] 919.807.4046
Visit us on the Web @ www.ncpublicschools.org All e-mail correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law, which may result in monitoring and disclosure to third parties, including law enforcement.
As the European Union is gasping on life support, most of us feel that this failed experiment in a new world order will give us time to breathe. Nothing is further from the truth as they realize that this is their last chance to succeed. The Communists in Congress (knows as the Progressive Caucus) in conjunction with the administration are being backed into a corner. Tyranny never fades away without a fight to the death.