Exactly how I feel every single time I go grocery shopping! And when I get home I’m like WTH did I buy 🤬
— ✝️💖 Trin1ty 💖✝️ (@G1rly_Tattooed) October 20, 2024
Vote #Trump2024 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/XejRBvGehC
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It’s like this everywhere in the US. I hear the same thing all over the country. We don’t go from the Trump economy to the Biden-Harris economy without a consertive coordinated effort. It’s being done on purpose. No way the election is neck and neck.
Correct P-1, the election may not be neck and neck, but the vote count is all Harris. The steal is on, and Kammie is ahead.
Stalin said “It’s not important who votes, but who counts the votes”…
Not if you make the effort to go out and vote. People who just decided to sit this one out because they hate Trump’s attitude / past words aren’t fooling me. We ALL have a past and probably forget some things we did and said we regret now. I know I don’t want to be judged by that one action or words I said back then -- who are we now is what counts. Vote -- vote like it makes a difference because it just might come to that.
All the polls and talking heads on msm are using this to steal another election, unless you are deaf and blind.
Exactly right.
They’re setting up “plausible deniability” in the minds of the vast swaths of sheeple.
Not much to say about the matter that hasn’t already been said. The rest of what I have to say about it shouldn’t really be said in polite society.
Soon, society will be anything BUT polite…you will get your chance.
Sad but very true.
(thumbs up)
Or somewhere it might be read against you to a jury.
There you go.
The blatant propaganda about the election being “close” is being done as preparations for the coming big cheat. To fool the gullible into believing the big lie that KamelToe actually WON the election instead of having it stolen for her by the DNC.
Winner winner chicken dinner!
I have been pointing out (here among other places) for YEARS how much better the left preps the battle space, how they manipulate language, and jump out in front of issues, placing our side on the defnsive.
We end up fighting misinformation battles instead of the root problem.
Election Deniers Huh? Lick My Taint You Cheatin’ Bastards. | Bustednuckles Must see, short video.
In a fair election nobody would believe America is stupid enough to elect this empty douchebag.
Haha. 100% truth.
Yeah the dollar is for crap on purchasing power. I went to lowes to purchase some general hardware for a project. Spent 68.83 and thought what did I just buy that cost this? Below is a photo, the board was 21.00 dollars and its just white pine? Inflation has gone out the roof.