And What Will Be Done?

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2 years ago

Nothing will be done. They will talk and put on a show but in the end nothing will come of it

2 years ago
Reply to  gre81

you are correct, nothing will be done to reign in an out of control, CIA, DOD, DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHS and any other alphabet rogue agency in my eyes as well. if they don’t impeach Garland and Chris Wray nothing will get done. they can grandstand all they want but, in the end, they have to submit their findings to the corrupted DOJ and it’s up that Communist perverted slob in the DOJ to bring it to a federal grand jury, hold your breath on that from ever happening in that demon city in Washington, DC. the entire system is corrupted from the top all the way down to the guy or gal who cleans the trash baskets out.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago


2 years ago

Why only get concerned when it’s proliferating at the DOJ, FBI, Pentagon, and DOD levels for instance? What about all of the students who had their real history withheld and freedom of speech curtailed, were subjected to rote memorization rather than taught critical thinking and were effectively thwarted in not getting student loans or other financing, as to studying in their preferred fields that could have made leeway into what is now a governmental and institutional stalemate?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
2 years ago

Abolish DOJ, FBI, ATF, EPA, DEA. They can all go be mercs with Wagner group or analysts on CNN. Dekhommunistize the USA.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

These organizations are tracking veterans due to their acquired skills and experience as potential terrorists. Therefore, they cannot merely be abolished based on the work that they do, but must be disbanded with oversight and tracking. Letting them gain more skills such as being mercenaries should not be permitted, as the skills of others are a threat to them in many capacities; intellectual, academic, physical, technologically and biologically related, any sort of acumen, really.

2 years ago

All theatrics. Breathing fire because they know there’s no chance of it amounting to anything other than a few low information votes next go around. Want proof? What exactly did they do when they had the presidency and both houses with Trump? Fought Trump the entire time. Much like doctors they don’t want to “cure” anything, only “treat” it. That’s where the money is at.