Andrew Klavan: Good News, Beheaded Christians

Good news! Our optimistic host, Andrew Klavan, takes a look at President Obama’s belief that no religion is responsible for terrorism. Sure, everywhere you look now days savages screaming Allahu Akbar are raping, murdering, decapitating and burning innocents, but hey, Christians did something bad way back a long time ago too!

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9 years ago

Klavan does a good job highlighting the ways the liberal academic elite seek to change the parameters of the discussion. The liberal academic are pushing diversity and tolerance in every way possible so that they can form a culture where they will live in security and not have to defend themselves from aggression by others. Their goal is to social engineer a society where everyone can follow the dictates of their own hearts, and that no one will care what anyone else is doing. So long as they do not have to actually defend their personal rights and have the police state at their beck and call, these people hope to live off the cream of the society they have created. When things don’t go their way, history proves that these same people will commit atrocities against mankind.

9 years ago

Klavan falls short when he doesnt call ALL of islam out….Read the Koran!!

Americans are the terrorists -- check out the DHS/FBI statement..