Anger Is the Tell

From Vox Popoli

It’s never very hard to notice when people are defensive about the choices they have made concerning the way they live their lives. They overreact, usually in an angry and hostile manner, and more often than not, in response to their own actions.

You can usually judge whether or not a lifestyle choice is wrong by how angry and defensive its practitioners become when you say that they’re making a bad choice.

Here’s an example, and it wasn’t even a judgment, but an assumption I’d made on Facebook about a couple with a child not being the parents because they weren’t wearing wedding rings.

So I figured the woman was the parent and the guy was a boyfriend.

Some woman I went to high school with went totally berserk in my comments. How dare I make that assumption! Oh, I must think I’m perfect! What a judgmental asshole! You don’t have to be married to raise a child you both created!

On and on, stalking every post Id made that month alerting everyone to what an asshole bigot I am up on my high horse.

I just laughed and deleted it all, didn’t even respond. She was living with some guy she’d had a kid with and I think he had kids from another woman. I guess I hit a sore spot.

But if she was comfortable with her choices, my simple generalization wouldn’t have made her raging mad. At most she would’ve felt a little annoyed.

People often think the anger comes from others judging them, but it’s not that they’re being judged. It’s that deep down they KNOW they’ve made the wrong choice. That’s why the real or perceived judgment stings.

Spacebunny has noticed this, particularly with regards to parents who don’t homeschool their children. They know the option is suboptimal for their children, and when it isn’t a matter of necessity, the mere fact of someone else making a different choice makes them proactively defensive:

This is one hundred percent true.

Another example is homeschooling – when I started homeschooling I would get asked why I chose that path – honesty would get them immediately defensive of their choice and then, instead of listening to me, they would start telling why they would/could never do it and blah, blah, blah. To which I generally responded “I don’t care, I didn’t ask you, you asked me.”

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1 year ago

That is so very perceptive!

1 year ago

The Truth hurts their ears. they are like little children when you confront them with the poor choices they made with their lives.

1 year ago

We homeschooled our 2 boys and we are married (neither of us wear a wedding ring). What bothers me is when I get asked my opinion or advice, I give them the pros and cons … it amazes me that they purposely do the opposite and wonder why things turned out badly. People really are that stupid.

1 year ago

Subscribing to the progressive orthodoxy means everything is personal. It is all about their identity and their position within the moral hierarchy, i.e. the holiness spiral in which they strive.
The anger, defensive/deflection, and impulse toward rationalizing their choices (answering questions that were not asked of them) is automatic because any question or even potential question of their motive is a personal indictment of their high self-regard.
This instinct, however, is not limited to leftist loons.
It is rampant in those on the “right” as well. Since most on the “right” are merely oppositional to those personal choices of theirs that the left has been consuming in current year but are otherwise very much in favor of the other 75% of Progress leftism/globalism/lies about human nature that has served them well to this point.
The principle function of that service being highly personal and so the response is very similar to the loon. The common axis of these overlaps include feminism, the virtue of anti-racisms, and the financialization of everything -- i.e. the love of money.
So topics like homeschooling, stay at home mothers, early/virgin marriage, not sending kids to the indoctrination debt mills called “colleges”, White identity of any kind, and kinism/localism will trigger most lifelong “conservatives” just the same.
The equality/diversity/paperwork american blank slate egalitarian disease is septic in the blood of FUSA. Rare are those who transcend or even admit to selling out.
In fact, bringing up this fact is triggering and elicits a bevy of rationalization, unprincipled exceptionalism, humblebraggery, and attacking the messenger. Good times.

1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Being among so many lucid warriors for Truth around here, I take that as a high compliment. Thank you.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Have noticed peoples tendency (human nature) is to jump 180 degrees and launch their attack. Knee jerk reaction seems to be the go to, and then never back down.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Great article, thank you.

Ricky Bobby
Ricky Bobby
1 year ago

I am angry, at myself, I chose not homeschool my kids. My son turned out OK and works in the trades (happy, moisturized, in his lane…) My daughter? Big heart and means well but was indoctrinated in college and abandoned her belief in God. That depresses me more than the liberalism (btw, being an adult, married with a kid is slowly beating it out of her). Yet, my kids both spent 3/4 of their school years in private Christian schools

1 year ago

Sigh. The culling will be horrific. Stupid life choices when there is plenty of product at Costco, plenty of gas at the pump, the electricity is working, and the school busses are running is one thing. Dealing with the opposite (which will happen overnight) is another matter. Go to You Tube. Watch FIVE REASONS WHY AMERICAN RIOTS WILL BE THE WORST IN THE WORLD. Or, go to the JOHN GALT SHENANDOAH website and read his blogvel: THE DAY THE DOLLAR DIED. All of these Karens, Beta Male Cucks, Normies, Sheeple, and shambling, texting, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, brain-dead, ‘roided-out, vaping, Net Flix-watching Mall Zombies are in for very unpleasant times. And they will be coming after you and what you have. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.