Ann Barnhardt: It Is Now Appropriate To Begin Serious Discussions as to Whether Pope Francis is, in fact, The Antichrist.

Always accept gifts that blaspheme our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Crucified for Our Sins and the Sins of the World, with a gracious, shit-eating grin.  It's just good manners.

ommunism has murdered well over one hundred million people in the last century alone, a massive percentage for being Christian.  If one adds the abortions, it is probably closer to a billion souls.

Our Blessed Lord and Savior shown crucified on a hammer and sickle is, by all metrics, worse than Our Lord shown crucified on a swastika.

This is flat-out blasphemy.


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9 years ago

Yes, yes it is flat out blasphemy. The saddest part being that it is profoundly illustrative of communism’s truest nature, considering how many Christians communism has killed for refusing to give up their faith in the face of state-demanded apostasy.

9 years ago

Anne, Il Pape is not the anti Christ, but in reality, he is the false prophet spoken of in the scripture and he works in conjunction with the man of sin ( Obama ) or the pre-cursor to satan entering on the world scene.