Ann Barnhardt: Who Else Has the Stones to Say THIS…?

Someone asked me the other day what I would be doing now that the IRS has taken the whole PayPal thing off the table.  My reply was, “Mash the throttle.”

I’m going to mash the throttle now.

I saw a story about a twelve year old boy who recently murdered himself.  This boy behaved in extremely effeminate and flamboyant way, and was, by all appearances, an enthusiastic aspirant to the sodomite lifestyle.  He was teased a bit at school.  And I say “a bit” because by the sounds of it the majority of people not only tolerated his deviant behavior (yes, DEVIANT), but enthusiastically encouraged him in it.

This kid was TWELVE.

I would just like to say, just so it is on the record when years from now people are sifting through the rubble and ash of this godforsaken culture, that this boy’s parents, teachers, and so-called “friends” – but most especially his parents – have his blood all over their hands.  They failed him so profoundly that he murdered himself.  In what sense?


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Jeff Marshalek
Jeff Marshalek
9 years ago

Often times, the world sites the Old Testament Law as being barbaric. As Ann Barnhardt spoke of the parents responsibility to chasten their children, just think of the command to stone your child who rejects the Lord. I believe the intent of the Law of Moses was to warn the parents that if they did not do what Ann Barnhardt suggests, if they were too lazy, if they did not seek to impart the truth, then there would come a day where God would require it of them to stone their own child.

Just a thought.

9 years ago

The only difference between Bernhardt and a Muslim is the religion they profess allegiance to. She is no less fanatical and intolerant of anyone who doesn’t believe what she believes as any member of ISIS. She is hateful and intolerant of gay people……a class of people who DID NOT CHOOSE TO BE GAY. Gay people don’t just decide one day that they are gay any more than straight decide they are straight. There is no “gender choice day” in school, no choose your orientation class. People are gay or straight because of biology not choice and to abuse, disparage and harass them is cruel……no less cruel than to accuse a black person of being “willfully” black BY CHOICE not genetics. Given power Barnhardt would hold her own version of an inquisition.

9 years ago


If you believe gay people “did not choose to be gay”, do you believe that others are born to be pedophiles?

9 years ago

With respect to your being an advocate for sexual perversion, Barnhardt is simply pointing out how homosexuality is being purposely encouraged by media, academia and government and that it is part of an on-going effort by leftist to weaken American society. There have always been homosexuals yes, and the hard-core ones seem to have been born that way. When America was
its strongest as a culture, they were tolerated and simply ignored unless they did something egregious like rape a child. Today due to the above forces, children are being indoctrinated to
think aberrant behavior is “natural and normal”. You as a homosexual advocate may be able to see that gays will be much better off being back in the closet and not trying to help the destruction of America by furthering the Communist agenda. This is just another part of ” destroy the family structure.” The feudal societies that develop after the current “society” devolves, will not be very tolerant of people who cause harm to their children by encouraging them to be homosexual.

9 years ago

Dan, didn’t you know that being gay is to be different? There is always someone that wants to stand out. Flamboyant, oh look at me! So if they can not, or as the case my be, will not work to achieve respect…..Than to behave out of the ordinary is another way. You want to be gay, that’s your business. Your circle of liberty, but when your circle of liberty begins to trample on my circle of liberty, or my kids, as in special rights or certain privileges…. Than screw you! and your moral laziness.

J Marshalek
J Marshalek
9 years ago


My question was meant to get you to think about what you believe. On the contrary, it today we believe that unnatural sex is okay between adults, if we believe that they were born that way, then what is there to stop someone who seeks to sodomize boys in justifying his desires by saying he was born that way?

The Scriptures say that there will be those who exchange the natural use of the woman for the unnatural use of a man. The Scriptures say that they are not born that way, instead they are consumed by the lust of their flesh.

J Marshalek
J Marshalek
9 years ago

This is a testimony of what the Lord did for one who thought he was transgender…

9 years ago

This is what happens when homosexuality is ‘celebrated’