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- strider777 on No More Secret Service for You
- Joe Blow on U.S. Central Command, has placed all U.S. bases in the Middle East on war alert
- Joe Blow on U.S. Central Command, has placed all U.S. bases in the Middle East on war alert
- Stan Sylvester on U.S. Central Command, has placed all U.S. bases in the Middle East on war alert
- TakeAHardLook on Trump Announces the Release of the JFK Files
This is called a Communist over-throw of our country.
INVASION by a government formed to protect us…..and no one seems to care.
Of course I cannot speak to the efforts of others but mine have almost been entirely meet with at best indifference and more likely looks of condemnation or often times charges of “racism.” These slanders have not deterred me as the realities of the future for my children and grandchildren of European decent as the certainly outweigh the psycho-babble of the brainwashed. I just cannot understand how it has come to pass that so many choose to remain blind to their own destruction and the destruction of their children’s birthright.
Zimbabwe….here we come!
Add to this the 50 million illegal invaders, 80% which are from Mexico..
These illegals have been taught that the US has been stolen by the gringo
and they want it back -- they sure as heell are coming to assimilate..
Thank the politicians and all previous Regimes for allowing the
US to be infiltrated!!
btw…most side with the Palestinians over Israel…..
Politicans are allowing these illegal aliens into our country by our borders, through way of churches & they are flying them in. Why? To collapse the system & cause complete chaos. These politicans live in gated communties or houses that are secured by the latest technology. The politicans are setting us up for the criminals to attack us while their families are SAFE
Disgraceful how Obama is “Changing America”. I believe he is an insider and working against us not for us. He hates Democracy and Americans who have succeeded. He is a Communist/Socialist.