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OF COURSE THEY ARE . . N O T going to protect the power grid . . their goal is our distruction as a nation! SCARY TO BE SURE!
short answer to the headline…. yes….are you??
I just had to replace my charge controller for my 3.5 KW PV system.
I contacted Missouri wind and solar, they were very knowledgeable and helpful! I now have a spare charge controller, along with inverters!
I am not off the grid but can be, wood heat, and propane for cooking!
It is all do able, panels have never been cheaper and batteries are still available!
I started out with 300 watt five years ago, for emergency lighting and gradually increased the system size at about a $ hundred per month! It is all simple and easy to do it your self! My first panels were purchased forty years ago and are still at 80% out put! I put in a small wind generator with the first cv19 bonus check, thinking living on a mountain top would give me some additional energy,
It was a waste of money, not enough wind!
This system also powers radio communications equipment, for when there is no longer accurate information! EMP protection also helps!
Are you prepared when this also fails? i believe man (evil) wants us to think and fear that it (mankind) is in control. It actually wants us to blame, rely solely on ourselves and each other.
It ( evil) has set the stage so that even if there is no nuclear event or events when Yahuah does step in and intervenes, many will blame who?
Is it not likely that this is what He is warning us of? Second Peter 3:11, Mathew 24:22
Is mankind not being set upon each other and consuming itself?
Seeing all these are to be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be in set-apart behavior and reverence,…
To A follower.
To be sure, no one gets out of this alive, the important question is are we saved, I think so! I am not sure what you are getting at, I am old and not as sharp as I once was.
My point is, it is relativity easy and cheap to provide back up power! Electrical power is almost an essential these days. With the essentials of life (food, water, shelter, power, security) insecure it just makes sense to me to have a back ups if the system fails!
For a few hundred dollars, you can have some light and communication with solar power! I have used a small (300W) solar system for lighting for the last forty years, during many power failures, it sure makes life easier and safer!
Just a method to introduce a couple of videos. For sure, being saved is winning the battle.
Glad you are here.