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- Daniel K Day on But Will They Go to Jail?
- DRenegade on The Real Bidenomics
- Ratskull on A Trillion Dollars a Year Due to Entitlement Fraud
- Randolph Scott on US Treasury
- Ratskull on The Real Bidenomics
The question is, what country would align themselves with a regime that pushes drag queens and pedophiles at the top of their agenda? A sick satanic dying country is what they push.
The government & the country are not the same thing. When our representatives refuse to follow the law of the land, the U.S. Constitution, is it patriotic to support the breaking of these laws? When government gets the country into endless wars, without Congressional declaration, is it patriotic to support this behavior? When they take our money, and shower it across the world, is it patriotic to support it? The government (and many people) would answer all of these questions with a resounding “Yes!” But are they right? Lee Rockwell blog
When will real men and women rise?
I do not know but it better be soon.
Good for Egypt. Now US does not have to hand them money!
Jane maybe Egypt did the math and the unlawful-immoral actions of our once fine Republic and said, “No Thanks”.
Or looked at our insane leadership and spending and said why accept Monopoly Money when the Russian and Chinese money is solid?
Not good for our drying Republic. Like an ugly fever.
Protect your family, soon enough Venezuelan style Banking Holidays with reissued (Probably Chinese style Social Credit E-Dollars) New Dollars at the Governments rate of exchange.
Don’t have to be a prophet, just someone that has studied how socialists DO things.
go find the April 3rd presser with Powell and what he has to say about CBDC.
Good points!
wanna bet that we will keep handing them money?
Which is then funneled back into the pockets of the criminal politicians and bureaucrats. Business as usual.
Happy belated birthday David.
Thank you kindly. 19 days for your birthday.