In a previous article, I outlined how we are no longer a country where all men are created equal. The Department of Justice and the president are using the legal system to eradicate this concept and elevate certain races and religions overthrowing one of our founding principles. In another legal challenge validating this concept, Mr. Obama is trying to stop the execution of a murderer:
Obama tries to stop execution in Texas of Mexican killer
President Barack Obama is attempting to block the execution in Texas on Thursday of a Mexican man because it would breach an international convention and do “irreparable harm” to US interests.
The White House has asked the US supreme court to put the execution of Humberto Leal Garcia on hold while Congress passes a law that would prevent the convicted rapist and murderer from being put to death along with dozens of other foreign nationals who were denied proper access to diplomatic representation before trials for capital crimes.
Justice is not a factor in the rape and murder of a 16 year old girl. The rule of law is not as important as the “perception” of the United States interests across the world? Does anyone believe this president’s motives in this case? If he believes that Mr. Garcia’s fate should depend on the passage of new legislation, then this is a clear violation of the Constitution:
Article 1, Section 9
No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.
If Mr. Obama believes that a miscarriage of justice has occurred, then he can issue a presidential pardon. If the Supreme Court rules in the case as he wishes (or directs), the political fallout will be the same as a pardon.
Is this another case of elevating the rights of a “minority” over the rights of an equally created people? Do illegal aliens now deserve special status in our courts as they do in our educational and healthcare systems? Or is this another case of subterfuge as the president unleashes another attack on our freedom while we are being misdirected?
David DeGerolamo
This outrages me. What is the coverage on even Fox about this? I’m at a lost of what to do anymore to save this country.
If Texas executes him, the progressives will use this to fan the flames in the southwest to a firestorm level. We need to follow this story, and be ready for whatever happens because of it.