Another Obama Legacy: Stealth Iranian Attack Drones Are Being Deployed

Iran has developed a stealth attack drone with a 2,000 km range.  How did this country develop a system which allowed them (allegedly) to gather intelligence on the US Fifth Fleet even before capturing the RQ-170 drone:

Iranian sources claim that the latest drone was tested in combat conditions In November 2011. A UAV was sent secretly over US Fifth Fleet vessels in the Persian Gulf, collected data and gained valuable experience for its further development.

Although Iran already had a drone program in place for several years, how were they able to manufacture a long range stealth drone?

1. The American RQ-170 drone “captured” by Iran last December gave them the stealth capabilities by duplicating its fiberglass covering. This stealth capability has also been adapted to other weapons systems such as helicopters and probably their speedboats. The drone’s electronics and computer programs were also reverse engineered.

2. How could Iran reverse engineer cutting edge technology?

The great progress Iran has made in the past five years in all these fields has been helped along by Iranian students returning home from studies at MIT and other universities in the United States, Britain and Germany.

We hear the president dictate that affordable college education is a “right” for everyone. While our “students” get degrees in community organizing and social engineering, we now see the consequences unfolding by the subsidies of our universities to train foreign students.

3. Obama has no interest in a strong America: economically, morally or militarily. He will do everything in his power to relegate the United States to a level commensurate with every other Muslim nation.

David DeGerolamo

Iran develops Ababil-T – a 2,000-km range stealth attack drone

An Ababil (Swallow) drone

An Ababil (Swallow) drone

Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi warned Sunday, Oct. 28, in Tehran: “The drone was definitely not the latest Iranian technology.”DEBKAfile: He was talking about the drone which Iran and Hizballah sent over Israeli airspace on Oct. 6 and stressing that it was not the last word in their UAV armory – or even the last to invade Israel’s skies.

According to our military sources, in mid-September, Tehran secretly shipped to Lebanon a batch of dismantled Ababil-T UAVs although the Iranians could not be sure that Israel would not discover their location and its air force bomb them before they were launched. The Syrian war is also making it hard to maintain permanent Iranian launching teams in Lebanon.

Our military sources identify Ababil-T as Iran’s most advanced drone in operational service. It has electronic warfare, military intelligence-gathering and online transmission capabilities suited to conditions of front-line battle. It is designed to disable enemy electronic systems in combat, especially those of the United States and Israel.

They have now advanced to the planning stages of a spy drone with stealth qualities and a large UAV bomber, cannibalizing technology pirated from the American RQ-170 Sentinel drone they downed on Dec. 4, 2011, buying it from Russia and China and stealing it from the West.

The great progress Iran has made in the past five years in all these fields has been helped along by Iranian students returning home from studies at MIT and other universities in the United States, Britain and Germany.  They are offered attractive salaries to work hard on the goals set before them.


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