Another Perspective: Scientist with 4 Degrees from MIT Warns ‘Deep State’ Using Coronavirus Fear-Mongering To Suppress Dissent


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4 years ago

Well, No Shit, Sherlock…. .gov downplayed this for a Month until they realized that what China is doing, locking down Cities and Dragging away ‘dissidents’ to ‘quarantine (death) camps’ is a really great way to ‘handle the situation’. Notice that the (CIA/State Department-sponsored) Protests in Hong Kong just Vanished once enough Fear of ‘the Virus’ was pumped into the Minds of the Public.

Now, look at the U.S. -- A Month ago, there was a REAL (un)Civil War brewing, with the sudden attempt by the (((bolsheviks))) to push through Gun Bans in quite a number of States that mostly had few ‘gun laws’. All of that has Vanished, not only from the kosher ‘media’, but Sites like this.
(One Caveat -- having Cleaned Out the Grocery Stores, now Gunz-n-Ammo are Vanishing at the same Rate- Can you spell unintended consequences?)

In psychological terms, Plague is Far More Fear-Inducing that even Nuclear War, as the Bugs are Invisible. So, no better way to ‘Drive the Narrative’ to increasing government Encroachment on our Natural Rights.