Another Project Veritas Truth Bomb

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Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

Trump could have pardon the Jan 6th protesters, but he did not. Republican members of congress could have demanded that they be pardoned, but only a very few Republican’s did anything. Of course the Republican members of congress did nothing to have the BLM and ANTIFA people that burned, murdered and pillaged prosecuted. Why? Answer: because they are all bought, open borders, big government, lying globohomo moochers. Voting for the next Republican RINO conservative pretender is failure in action. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!

2 years ago

Jan.6 was a created crisis for propaganda and extended control over the public. It’s a joke. The only person killed was a veteran. That was for trespassing I guess. Very sad and indicative of the Left’s sense of control.