Another Viewpoint on Immigration Sellout Legislation

The following is a comment from the article The Republican Party Immigration Sellout:

Those legislators and elected officials who don’t oppose illegal immigration will be vividly remembered by the growing TEA PARTY membership. If we used zero tolerance policies to remove illegal aliens from America, it would save us trillions of dollars in the years ahead. Each of the thousands of TEA PARTY cells will be looking to oust those who have pushed our country into this financial chaos. Very few politicians or officials stand openly for restoration of American rights and ready to stand up against the illegal alien occupation. In Arizona Senator Russell Peirce, Governor Jan Brewer, Sheriff Joe Aripaio are serving their people to stop this travesty of our laws and contain the businesses who are profiteering and not hiring a legitimate workforce. Governors such as Andrew Cuomo called the “architect or ruin”, which had much to do with the real estate collapse and low income and illegal immigrant mortgages. Such Mayors as Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles, for evasion of implementing E-Verify and Secure Communities, in exposing foreign nations in the workplace and criminal aliens through a ICE fingerprinting. A new poll conducted by Rasmussen found that 82% of likely voters think businesses should be required to use E-Verify. Because of the incompetence of the major parties the border fence is incomplete (NOT COMPARABLE TO THE 2006 Secure Fence Act) and the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli immigration laws not enforced.

So many other States are going it alone, to protect their own residents from economic illegal aliens. While California and Sheriff Michael Hennessey, in the ultra-Liberal fortress of San Francisco who is illegally opting out of policing laws such as mandatory Secure Communities, that is a resonating signal for parasitic economic illegal aliens to quickly arrive there. Releasing any illegal aliens is incorrigible, and ICE being implicated shows that the Obama administration has a no intentions of enforcing laws. This is the same fiasco with highlighted States like Nevada and cities as Chicago and Denver named infamously as Sanctuary cities and states, which are ignoring federal law. Rep. Fred Poe (R-TX) brought to the attention of the sinister Sanctuary cities by stating, ” cities that give aid and comfort to illegals should be more concerned about protecting the safety of citizens than harboring and hiding out criminal illegals.” No city or State harboring illegal aliens should receive any federal funding, till these illegal ordinances are in compliance with federal law and Obama’s Czarists have neglected such actions.

ICE doesn’t seem to be reigning in these policies and apprehending the officials behind these illegal people havens. Cops and citizens-legal residents are dying, at the bloody hands of illegal migrants and immigrants that the city councils and managers have no interest in rescinding these anti-sovereignty laws and ordinances? When Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) represent illegal aliens as “Undocumented Immigrants” he and others who use this misnaming of these criminal people, will be ousted in his next re-election, compliments of the TEA PARTY.

The House of Representatives is debating and voting on amendments to the 2012 Homeland Security spending bill. Several immigration amendments will be offered and receive votes. It will be the first votes cast on immigration during the 112th Congress. An amendment that increases spending for the administration of the 287(g) program passed in the House of Representatives. In addition two border security amendments offered by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) to the 2012 DHS spending bill were passed by the House of Representatives on Wednesday. The two amendments would reallocate funds to provide funding towards removing mountain lookout posts along eh U.S.-Mexico border. These lookout posts are used to aid illegal aliens and drug smugglers in avoiding border patrol agents stationed in the desert. Funds to hire shadow wolves, who are an elite unit, that track smugglers along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Attn: When we have 15 million people out of work nationally, why is the federal government giving contracts to foreign countries. watching C-Span today, Congress listened to Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) pleading that US contracts for US Coast Guard diesel engines, should be made in America and not Germany? Another Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) brought to attention of both House parties, that a company in San Francisco was given a contract to manufacture TSA uniforms, and turned around and outsourced the work to Mexico. All patriotic Americans should bombard Federal and State Representatives and demand that all government contracts should go to USA companies and not outsourced to foreign countries.

The People’s power is invincible, but we must stand together against many entities who are only interested in profit and exploitation. We can join NumbersUSA and band together by demanding a–MANDATORY E-VERIFY–nationwide, from our federal, State representatives or call Senate—202-224–3121/ House—202-225–3121.


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