Anti-Gun Waffle House Throws Out Police Officer For Carrying A Firearm

Texas state trooper Jeff Evans was ejected from a Waffle House last week for carrying his duty weapon inside the restaurant. A company spokesman said that the incident was a “misunderstanding” and that police officers are allowed to carry at Waffle House locations. The chain has a nationwide no carry policy for non-law enforcement officers.

Evans claims that he was displaying his badge on his belt and he verbally informed the manager of his status as an officer. He was also dressed in a “field uniform” of tan pants and a polo shirt. After being kicked out of the restaurant, he vented on Facebook:

“Apparently my Department Approved DPS Uniform is not welcome [at Waffle House]. I was asked to leave by the management and also instructed not to return. They said it was because I was wearing a gun…I explained to the manager that I am a state trooper and he said I still wasn’t allowed to have a gun in the restaurant.”


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10 years ago

Maybe the manager and restaurant employees are a wee bit sensitive to po-leece officers and their firearms because they had their dog or relative shot by one.

Just a thought.

10 years ago

What’s good for the goose, should be good for the gander. I think WH did the right thing, if they’re gonna ban guns, they should ban them for EVERYONE (police, TSA, FBI, CIA, IRS, BATF, etc. included). That is the entire intent of the Second Amendment, so that not only the “swarms” of officers have the guns……. think about it.

That said, IMO, anyone should be able to tote into a WH, but that’s their business, their property and their right. My hope is that they wouldn’t discriminate as they have against the average Joe from carrying. Now, since they did, it’s up to me (or you) not to/to patronize the establishment based on principle/belief……