Two videos showing the state of the union in California’s Beverly Hills. Start the second video at the three minute mark to watch Antifa attack this Hispanic Trump supporter.
Who doesn’t believe our lives are about to change?
David DeGerolamo
Two videos showing the state of the union in California’s Beverly Hills. Start the second video at the three minute mark to watch Antifa attack this Hispanic Trump supporter.
Who doesn’t believe our lives are about to change?
David DeGerolamo
I would of put down these communist thugs.
Me, too! There are more of us than there are of them!
Note they wait for opportunities to ambush. They can build up in numbers quickly. Get rid of them one by one and when they are in small numbers. Trick them into concentrating on one direction and ambush them with your men.
It’s time to put down these democrat useful idiots.
Notice how many Antifa and other extreme leftist groups are predominantly female.
They push some of their beta males up front, but if you look closely at many photos, you can tell they are mostly female agitators in the black bloc outfits. Probably mostly lesbians and other LGBTQ+ types. And BLM seems to be that way too.
They work in numbers. Remember weakies are also dangerous when armed. They carry backpacks of assorted tools including clothing to change to another look. their back packs are very good shields. Their large numbers means it is close to impossible to swing them away. Concentrate on hitting their legs to reduce chance for them to run away. Stamp on their legs. Apply marker sprays(aerosol paint) to mark them. Use Alcohol + vinegar to spray and cause irritation. Wear hard hats to reduce head being hit and cracked. Wear and use hard boots.
Bring a can of wasp spray. It shoots 20 feet.
I don’t think that was a Trump supporter. He looks like an ANTIFA provoker dressed as a Trump supporter. Notice his face makeup and the way he is using the flag as a weapon. No Trump supporter would disrespect the flag this way.
So the DHS is totally IMPOTENT and incapable of protecting our Nation.
You pay $BILLION$ for “homeland security” but it is NEVER around.
DHS an agency with approximately 240,000 employees and an annual budget of over 100 billion dollars. But they cannot actually STOP Domestic Terrorism that is right there on TV !!!
Where were the PANSIES from Department of Homeland Security?Where are the SELF PROCLAIMED “heroes” of Homeland Security that should be arresting the DOMESTIC TERRORISTS who are using violence and the threat of violence in the furtherance of their political aims ……. which is the exact definition of TERRORISM ?! They are padding their overtime, counting their perks, dreaming of their “double dipper” retirements at YOUR expense.
“I am a HERO from Homeland Security and you must WORSHIP me and “Thank me for serving”” ——— CRAP on DHS ……. coward bitches run and hide — DHS could not protect a pizza pie from Michael Moore.
DHS is always around with it’s hand out for money
but NEVER around to stop terrorists. Those morons strutting around with full combat gear and machine guns “look at ME, I’m so TUFF” … disappear when TERRORISTS terrorize Citizens.
Meanwhile, how much of that EXPENSIVE emergency equipment You paid for, has “walked away” to basements & garages?
Under the USAPATRIOT Act, violence or threats of violence to coerce a change in political views is defined as an act of terror.
Trump2020, vote, demand accountability by our leaders. Fire the traitors or jail them for treason, insurrection. Outlaw gov’t schools which indoctrinate this cultural Marxism.
Our constitution usa been subverted for decades. Support the constitution. Shut down The Fed, Get the UN out of the US and stop funding the terrorists. Alphabet agencies are all unconstitutional.
Billybob -- You forgot (((dual citizens))).
Russia recently changed its Constitution to prohibit holders of dual citizenship from holding Elected Office. they have had a separate Law for a long Time that Prohibits dual citizens serving in the Military in any Unit that has Nuclear Weapons.
The issue of dual citizenship is, IMO, a large reason we have the bolshevik communist Problems, and that (((they))) are almost Never ‘prosecuted’ for Treason. They can Flee to some Shitty little Country if they are. (See Epstein the Child Pimp for an example)