Ants at the Picnic, Part Two, by Robert Gore

Deplorable ants will make the picnic a living hell.

Part One

What scares the powerful are those willing to die in defense of principle. Our rulers are cowards, and they can’t begin to understand devotion to any principle beyond self-aggrandizement, if that can be called a principle. The very existence of such devotion is a moral rebuke. It fills the powerful with one of humanity’s most loathsome emotions: the hatred of the virtuous for their virtue.

Guns are the endpoint in a chain of practical precepts straight from the American Revolution. The biggest threat to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is government, whose force can only be met with counter-force. The powerful have no respect for your rights, but they do for your firearms—you might fight back. Those firearms are the last bulwark against the planet’s most dangerous institutions and psychopaths. If you let them take your guns, it will allow them to take everything else. Both sides know it. Only one will acknowledge it.

The Corruptocracy’s credibility is gone and its narrative has crumbled. People so smitten with themselves and so enamored with their own propaganda never realize the danger posed by those who are neither smitten nor enamored. They are trying to sell a top-down remaking of the entire world, not by selling a purported better life for the masses, but a worse one. It’s overweening, historically unprecedented hubris: hand us total control and we’ll make you miserable. They gave us a preview of coming attractions with Covid totalitarianism, now reprised as Climate Change totalitarianism.


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Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Will I die to defend the USA? No I will not. My God, my family, the principles our Constitution stand for, yes, but not the USA. Our country no longer adheres to those standards, and has broken its promises to God and its citizens. To wave a flag and expect me to fall in the ranks of fighters is a wrong expectation, I don’t dis-respect the flag, but it has lost its meaning on me.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

I would die for this country. Came close in 1970. As old as I am I would gladly stand up to any domestic enemy. And because of the treason we won’t give them a break;send them to hell.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

They have turned the country into a vile putrid swamp, just to humiliate and demoralize the masses. If you think this is going to get better, eventually the breaking point will be reached sooner rather than later. Our very lives depend upon getting prepared for what is coming, the war is already at our front door. May God have mercy on their pitiful souls, because I will not.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

America’s graveyards are way too populated with the merciful.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

Tolerance and mercy do not apply to this scum Arch.