Apocalypse Check-In – 3 Important Questions That Need YOUR Answers

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2 years ago

Another very good video by Katie, the Good Patriot.

2 years ago

Love her

2 years ago

Important questions, thanks for insightful comments!
Yes I hate cleaning the chicken coop to, but the eggs are great. YouI finally got some hens raising chicks!

I know I am harping, none the less…. In a grid down situation, it is difficult, dangerous and expensive to run a generator for most of us. A few hundred watts of solar power and a couple of batteries can light most of your house! Solar power is still really cheap at a $1 a watt or so. Batteries are not and the price is going up! A solar PV system is simple to build and you can start out small.

For the last week I have been working on adding a new 600 watt array, to my 2KW system. While not off the grid, I can get by, with lights, refrigeration, communication and fans.

Being on a fixed income as energy prices continue to go up, my consumption is going down.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Lawnmore

The spraying going on above has multiple agendas. One is solar radiation management. If the spraying does not stop, you will continue to see your solar power yield continue to nosedive. For more info, geoengineeringwatch.org with Dane Wigington.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Yes, that is one of their plans, if it all holds together. There is also the problem of ash from a nuclear exchange. Even during cloudy days I still get enough energy for the lights!

Tom Rebers
Tom Rebers
2 years ago

That girl has a grip! We need more like her.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

What is the one thing that I do everyday that brings me peace and joy? I read the Bible. As I read the Bible, I am constantly reminded that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are firmly in control. I’m constantly reminded that all those who truly love God, and put their faith and trust in Him, will have everlasting life. So, it matters not how much I might suffer in this life. Let the Devil do his best to destroy me. He cannot. I have victory in Jesus, the Risen Son of God!

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

Yes that is something we all need to understand. We are here to do His work. Easy or hard, pleasant or punishing. It should not matter. We are here for a brief time, then not pain, sorrow etc…

Spending time in the Word is encouraging and brings peace.

Tom Hedin
Tom Hedin
2 years ago

Katie is spot on, no drama, all credible info!!